Astronomy picture of the day 30-10-204 - A Spectre in the Eastern Veil
Image Credit &Copyright:Ken Crawford (Rancho Del Sol Observatory)
Explanation: Frighteningforms and scary faces are a mark of the Halloween season. They also hauntthis cosmic close-up of the eastern Veil Nebula. The Veil Nebula itself is a large supernova remnant, the expanding debris cloud from the death explosion of a massive star. While the Veil is roughly circular in shape and covers nearly 3 degrees on the sky in the constellation Cygnus, this portion of the eastern Veil spans only 1/2 degree, about the apparent sizeof the Moon. That translates to 12 light-years at the Veil's estimated distance, a reassuring 1,400 light-years from planet Earth. In the composite of image data recorded through broad andnarrow band filters, emission from hydrogen atoms in the remnant is shown in red with strong emission from oxygen atoms in blue-green hues. Of course, in the western part of the Veil lies another seasonal apparition,the Witch's Broom.
Astronomy picture of the day 29-10-2014 - Iridescent Cloud Edge Over Colorado
Image Credit & Copyright: Phil Plait (Bad Astronomy Blog, Slate)
Explanation: Sometimes your eclipse viewing goes bad in an interesting way. While watching and photographing last Thursday's partial solar eclipse, a popular astronomy blogger suffered through long periods of clouds blocking the Sun. Unexpectedly, however, a nearby cloud began to show a rare effect: iridescence. Frequently part of a more familiar solar corona effect, iridescence is the diffraction of sunlight around a thin screen of nearly uniformly-sized water droplets. Different colors of the sunlight become deflected by slightly different angles and so come to the observer from slightly different directions. This display, featured here, was quite bright and exhibited an unusually broad range of colors. On the right, the contrails of an airplane are also visible.
Texto - A arte de bem viver com o dinheiro dos outros
Era uma vez o Alberto Sal’Azar, o Almerico
Tomalo, Duras no Barroco, Peter Steps Rabbit, Marcus Catano, Sentuma Lapides, Marievc Soà’Ares e mais alguns, que combinaram uma
A sombra da Republica bananeira, refastelados, de pança cheia tratava-se de quem iria assumir a despesa: “Eu não, eu não , e eu também não…vociferava-se naquele pitoresco quadro…
Até que o “chefe”, tentando erguer a trémula voz, resolveu com autoridade : “Ta decidido, quem
paga é o membro mais efeminizado desta patriótica e nobre reunião!”
E ouve-se uma voz em forma de gaita: “Ah ele é
isso, então vem já para a baila o caso dos “submarinos aéreos”…
Claro que quem pagou foram os “costumais”!
A hipocrisia muçulmana
Andar de cara tapada ou destapada não é opção de moda ou idiossincrasia cultural. Em regra as pessoas não andam de cara tapada quando interagem com outros. Além de ser a parte mais expressiva do nosso corpo, a cara é a forma de nos identificarmos. Ninguém espera que os alunos estejam na aula de óculos escuros e barba postiça, se alguém pára a mota para pedir indicações deve pelo menos levantar o visor do capacete e se entrarem pessoas num banco com barretes pretos a tapar a cara é certo que alguém vai chamar a polícia. Andar de cara tapada é uma atitude ameaçadora, porque uma pessoa que esconde assim o que quer e quem é não parece vir com com boas intenções. Em todas as culturas há uma aversão natural a quem aja assim.
E a burka não é excepção porque nas sociedades onde a usam as mulheres não são consideradas pessoas. São propriedade dos pais, dos maridos ou dos filhos e não faz mal terem um pano a tapar a cara. Pessoas de cara tapada não é aceitável, mas nessas sociedades as pessoas são os homens. Esses andam com a cara descoberta.
Os franceses querem proibir o uso da burka em espaços públicos e há quem diga que isto é atentar contra os direitos e costumes daquelas mulheres. Não é uma crítica muito acertada porque os costumes visados são mais os dos “donos” dessas mulheres. Mas, além disso, há outro aspecto importante. Na Europa as mulheres são pessoas. Não são gado nem objectos. E ninguém quer viver no meio de pessoas de cara tapada.
"Impressionisme" - Renoir - "Au bord de la mer"-
La peinture impressionniste reste l'époque la plus fascinante de
l'histoire de l'art moderne et la plus aimée du public. Des
séries d'expositions à succès, une littérature abondante et des ventes records
attestent de l'extraordinaire résonance des oeuvres des
peintres impressionnistes, dont nombre sont gravées dans notre
conscience artistique.
A leur époque, les oeuvres impressionnistes
apparurent d'une modernité tellement scandaleuse, qu'il fallut
plus de trente ans à leurs contemporains pour, sinon les aimer,
au moins les admettre.
C l i q u e z
sur les i m a g e s
Pourtant, l'impressionnisme, si révolutionnaire qu'il fut alors,
nous semble aujourd'hui, avec le recul du temps, bien davantage entretenir des
liens étroits avec la tradition, et constituer
l'aboutissement esthétique d'une création artistique
liée à la représentation réaliste.
S'il fallut trente ans pour que les yeux de leurs contemporains
s'habituent à la peinture des impressionnistes, c'est bien parce que celle-ci
remettait en cause des siècles de peinture académique
et codifiée. Les peintres impressionnistes, tout en
maintenant le lien avec la peinture du monde réel, se sont totalement affranchis
du carcan du passé, par le libre choix des thèmes qu'ils
abordaient pris dans la vie quotidienne de tout un chacun, et par un mode de
représentation picturale entièrement nouveau.
Ce lien avec le monde du réel, considéré
jusqu'alors comme la chose la plus normale du monde, - quand il perdra par la
suite au cours du XX ième siècle tout caractère obligatoire - ,
l'impressionnisme a su en donner une vision moderne,
choisissant des thèmes inabordés en peinture, s'affranchissant
des canons picturaux ancestraux pour inventer une nouvelle technique
picturale répondant au désir de privilégier en peinture
l'"impression" instantanée sur la construction de l'esprit.
Le succès durable de l'Impressionnisme ne
tient-t-il pas d'abord à ce que nous sommes sensibles à la fois à sa modernité
et à son traditionalisme ?
Bien sûr, l'impressionnisme ne saurait se réduire à ce seul
aspect, il est aussi un parti-pris de peindre la réalité
réjouissante, celle des loisirs, de la beauté de la nature, une quête
sans fin de lumière...Bref, un certain art de vivre qui rejoint bien des
aspirations de notre société.
Ce site en hommage aux peintres impressionnistes
s'attache à présenter l'histoire du Mouvement Impressionniste
ainsi que les itinéraires de chacun des plus grands peintres dont les noms sont
indissociables de l'impressionnisme.
Astronomy picture of the day 27-10-2014 - Plane, Clouds, Moon, Spots, Sun
Image Credit & Copyright: Doyle Slifer
Explanation: What's that in front of the Sun? The closest object is an airplane, visible just below the Sun's center and caught purely by chance. Next out are numerous clouds in Earth's atmosphere, creating a series of darkened horizontal streaks. Farther out is Earth's Moon, seen as the large dark circular bite on the upper right. Just above the airplane and just below the Sun's surface are sunspots. The main sunspot group captured here, AR 2192, is one of the largest ever recorded and has been crackling and bursting with flares since it came around the edge of the Sun early last week. Taken last Thursday, this show of solar silhouettes was unfortunately short-lived. Within a few seconds the plane flew away. Within a few minutes the clouds drifted off. Within a few hours the partial solar eclipse of the Sun by the Moon was over. Only the sunspot group remains, but within a few more days even AR 2192 will disappear around the edge of the Sun. Fortunately, when it comes to the Sun, even unexpected alignments are surprisingly frequent
Astronomy picture of th day 26-10-2014 - Too Close to a Black Hole
Image Credit & Copyright: Alain Riazuelo
Explanation: What would you see if you went right up to a black hole?Featured is acomputer generated image highlighting how strange things would look. The black holehas such strong gravity that light is noticeably bent towards it - causing some very unusualvisual distortions. Every star in the normal frame has at least two bright images - one on each side of theblack hole. Near theblack hole, you can see the whole sky - light fromevery direction is bentaroundand comes back to you. The original background map was taken from the2MASSinfrared sky survey, with stars from theHenry Drapercatalog superposed. Black holesare thought to be the densest state of matter, and there isindirect evidencefor their presence instellar binary systems and the centers ofglobular clusters,galaxies, andquasars.
Astronomy picture of the day 25-10-2014 - "Sunspots and Solar Eclipse"
Image Credit &Copyright:Michael Bolte (UCSC)
Explanation: A New Moonjoined giant sunspot group AR 2192 to dim the bright solar disk during Thursday'smuch anticipated partial solar eclipse.Visible from much of North America, the Moon's broad silhouette is captured in this extreme telephoto snapshot near eclipse maximum from Santa Cruz, California. About the size of Jupiter, theremarkable AR 2192 itself darkens a noticeable fraction of the Sun, near center and below the curved lunar limb. As the sunspot group slowly rotatesacross the Sun and out of view in the coming days its activity is difficultto forecast. But the timing ofsolar eclipses is easier to predict. The next will be a total solar eclipse onMarch 20, 2015.
Astronomy picture of the day 24-10-2014 - AR 2192: Giant on the Sun
Image Credit &Copyright:Randall Shivak andAlan Friedman(Averted Imagination)
Explanation: As you (safely!) watched the progress of yesterday's partial solar eclipse, you probably also spotted agiant sunspot group. Captured in this sharp telescopic image from October 22nd the complex AR 2192 is beautiful to see, a sprawling solar active region comparable in size to the diameter of Jupiter. Like other smaller sunspot groups,AR 2192 is now crossing theEarth-facing side of the Sunand appears dark in visible light because it is cooler than the surrounding surface. Still, the energy stored in the region's twisted magnetic fields is enormous and has already generated powerful explosions, includingtwo X-class solar flares this week. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) associated with the flares have notaffected planet Earth, so far.The forecastfor further activity from AR 2192 is still significant though, as it swings across the center of the solar disk and Earth-directed CMEs become possible.
Astronomy picture of the day 23-10-2014 -Galaxies in Pegasus
Image Credit &Copyright:Alessandro Benedetti and Daniele Ceniti (AeW Observatory)
Explanation: This wide, sharp telescopic view revealsgalaxies scattered beyond the stars and faintdust nebulaeof the Milky Way at the northern boundary of the high-flying constellationPegasus. Prominent at the upper right isNGC 7331. A mere 50 million light-years away, the large spiral is one of the brighter galaxies not included inCharles Messier's famous 18th century catalog. The disturbed looking group of galaxies at the lower left is well-known as Stephan's Quintet. About 300 million light-years distant, the quintet dramatically illustrates a multiple galaxy collision, itspowerful, ongoinginteractions posed for a brief cosmic snapshot. On the sky, thequintet and NGC 7331 are separated by about half a degree.
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