
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Astronomy picture of the day - 2017 October 23 - NGC 4993: The Galactic Home of an Historic Explosion. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Astronomy picture of the day - 2017 October 23 - NGC 4993: The Galactic Home of an Historic Explosion. Afficher tous les articles


Astronomy picture of the day - 2017 October 23 - NGC 4993: The Galactic Home of an Historic Explosion

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NGC 4993: The Galactic Home of an Historic Explosion 
Image Credit: NASA & ESA
Explanation: That reddish dot -- it wasn't there before. It's the dot to the upper left of galaxy NGC 4993's center, do you see it? When scanning the large field of possible locations of an optical counterpart to the unprecedentedgravitational wave event GW170817 in August, the appearance of this fading dot quickly became of historic importance. It pinpointed GW170817's exact location, thereby enabling humanity's major telescopes to examine the first everelectromagnetic wave counterpart to a gravitational wave event, an event giving strong evidence of being a short gamma-ray burst kilonova, the element-forming explosion that occurs after two neutron stars merge. The featured image oflenticular galaxy NGC 4993 by Hubble shows the fading dot several days after it was discovered. Analysescontinuing, include the physics of the explosion, what heavy elements formed, the similarity of the speeds of gravitational radiation and light, and calibrating a new method for determining the distance scale of our universe.