

Imagens do Mundo - O amanhecer em Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - 03-10-2015

Amanhecer em Copacabana visto do Hotel Pestana Thiago Lontra / Agência O Globo

O amanhecer em Copacabana visto do Hotel Pestana

Drawing from my mind - "Inside the Universe"

"Inside the Universe"

Bordeaux, 03-10-2015

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 October 3 - A Blue Blood Moon

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A Blue Blood Moon 
Image Credit & CopyrightDominique Dierick
Explanation: This sharp telescopic snapshot caught late September's Harvest Moon completely immersed in Earth's dark umbral shadow, at the beginning of a total lunar eclipse. It was the final eclipse in a tetrad, a string of four consecutive total lunar eclipses. A dark apparition of the Full Moon near perigee, this total eclipse's color was a deep blood red, the lunar surface reflecting light within Earth's shadow filtered through the lower atmosphere. Seen from a lunar perspective, the reddened light comes from all the sunsets and sunrises around the edges of a silhouetted Earth. But close to the shadow's edge, the limb of the eclipsed Moon shows a distinct blue hue. The blue eclipsed moonlight is still filtered through Earth's atmosphere though, originating as rays of sunlight pass through layers high in the upper stratosphere, colored by ozone that scatters red light and transmits blue.