

Imagens de Lisboa - Palacios - Quinta da Regaleira

Quinta da Regaleira, Sintra
Often called “the Palace of the Millions,” this palace is part of the Regaleira estate, created by a millionaire who wanted an exquisite home that ended up transformed into quite a mystical place. It includes gargoyles on the main building’s façade, and a park with an enigmatic system of tunnels.
Quinta da Regaleira, Sintra
Este palácio também é conhecido por “Palácio dos Milhões”. É o palácio da Quinta da Regaleira, uma criação de um milionário que imaginou uma residência extraordinária, que acabou por se transformar num cenário místico. Inclui gárgulas na fachada do edifício principal e um parque com um enigmático sistema de túneis.

Roberto Carlos - "Eu estou apaixonado por você" - Audio - Musica

"Eu estou apaixonado por você"

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 September 11 - All the Water on Planet Earth

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
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All the Water on Planet Earth 
Illustration Credit & CopyrightJack Cook, Adam Nieman, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Howard Perlman, USGS
Explanation: How much of planet Earth is made of water? Very little, actually. Although oceans of water cover about 70 percent of Earth's surface, these oceans are shallow compared to the Earth's radius. The featured illustrationshows what would happen if all of the water on or near the surface of the Earth were bunched up into a ball. The radius of this ball would be only about 700 kilometers, less than half the radius of the Earth's Moon, but slightly larger than Saturn's moon Rhea which, like many moons in our outer Solar System, is mostly water ice. How even this much water came to be on the Earth and whether any significant amount is trapped far beneath Earth's surface remain topics of research.