

Toshiyuki Abe - "Pintura do sol" - Aguarela

"Pintura do sol" 

Astronomy picture of the day - 2018 January 26 - Selfie at Vera Rubin Ridge

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Selfie at Vera Rubin Ridge 
Image Credit: Image Credit: NASAJPL-CaltechMSSS - Panorama: Andrew Bodrov
Explanation: On sol 1943 of its journey of exploration across the surface of Mars, the Curiosity Rover recorded this selfie at the south rim of Vera Rubin Ridge. Of course a sol is a Martian solar day, about 40 minutes longer than an Earth day. Curiosity's sol 1943 corresponds to Earth date January 23, 2018. Also composed as an interactive 360 degree VR, the mosaicked panorama combines 61 exposures taken by the car-sized rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI). Frames containing the imager's arm have been edited out while the extended background used was taken by the rover's Mastcam on sol 1903. At the top of the rover's mast, sitting above the Mastcam, the laser-firingChemCam housing blocks out the distant peak of Mount Sharp.