

Imagem de Carlos Gardel

Retrato de Carlos Gardel, en 1935.

Aconteceu a 25 de junho

 1978 - Final do Campeonato do Mundo de Futebol de 1978
Foto AFP do Jogo Argentina-Holanda, ocorrido a 25 de Junho de 1978
A a 25 de Junho de 1978, a Argentina derrota a Holanda, por 3-1, na partida final do Campeonato do Mundo de Futebol.
 1975 - Independência de Moçambique
Foto AFP do Jogo Argentina-Holanda, ocorrido a 25 de Junho de 1978
A a 25 de Junho de 1975, Moçambique torna-se independente de Portugal.

O Leme - Portugal

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 June 25 - Star Trails above Table Mountain

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Star Trails above Table Mountain 
Image Credit & CopyrightEric Nathan
Explanation: Stars trail above and urban lights sprawl below in this moonlit nightscape from Cape Town, South Africa, planet Earth. The looming form of Table Mountain almost seems to hold terrestrial lights at bay while the stars circle the planet's South Celestial Pole. This modern perspective on the natural night sky was captured in June 2014, the scene composed of over nine hundred, stacked 30 second exposures. The stunning result was chosen as the winner in the Against the Lights category, a selection from over 800 entries in The World at Night's 2015 International Earth and Sky Photo Contest.