

Now, it's time to say goodbye. Ciao, ciao, ciao...

“A Neat Package” by Gil Elvgren, 1961.:

Imagens de Lisboa - Palacios - Marqueses da Fronteira

Palácio dos Marqueses de Fronteira, Lisboa
This residence of a noble family was built in the 1600's, in what was Lisbon’s surrounding countryside. It's an area that now looks more like a suburb, but this palace is a real treasure to be discovered, especially because it presents one of the world’s richest tile collections. A guided tour brings everything to life, including the magnificent gardens.
Palácio dos Marqueses de Fronteira, Lisboa
Esta residência de uma família nobre foi construída no século XVII, quando esta zona de Lisboa ainda era campo. Hoje é uma zona que assemelha-se mais a um subúrbio, mas este palácio é um verdadeiro tesouro a ser descoberto, especialmente pela sua coleção monumental de azulejos. Uma visita guiada explica tudo, passando também pelos magníficos jardins.

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 September 9 - The Wide and Deep Lagoon

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The Wide and Deep Lagoon 
Image Credit & CopyrightMichael MillerJimmy Walker
Explanation: Ridges of glowing interstellar gas and dark dust clouds inhabit the turbulent, cosmic depths of the Lagoon Nebula. Also known as M8, the bright star forming region is about 5,000 light-years distant. But it still makes for a popular stop on telescopic tours of the constellation Sagittarius, toward the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. Dominated by the telltale red emission of ionized hydrogen atoms recombining with stripped electrons, this stunning, deep view of the Lagoon is nearly 100 light-years across. Right of center, the bright, compact, hourglass shape is gas ionized and sculpted by energetic radiation and extreme stellar winds from a massive young star. In fact, the many bright stars of open cluster NGC 6530 drift within the nebula, just formed in the Lagoon several million years ago.