

Imagens do Mundo - Terramoto em Taiwán

Pelo menos 13 pessoas morreram e 475 ficaram feridas no terramoto de magnitude 6,4 que ocorreu no sul de  Taiwán na passada madrugada. Na imagem, funcionarios dão apoio a uma criança resgatada de um edificio de 17 pisos destruido pelo terramoto.

Imagens do Mundo - Os passaros de Allahabad (India)

Um bando de passaros sobrevovoa peregrinos no festival anual Magh Mela, en Allahabad (India).

Fotos loucas - Teste de um capacete de futebol em 1912

Teste de um capacete de futebol em 1912

Sitios imperdiveis em Lisboa - Aqueduto das Águas Livres

Passar pelo Aqueduto das Águas Livres

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 6 - Five Planets at Castell de Burriac

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Five Planets at Castell de Burriac 
Image Credit & CopyrightIgnacio Llorens
Explanation: February's five planet line-up stretches across a clear sky in this predawn scene. A hilltop Castell de Burriac looms in the foreground, overlooking the town of Cabrera de Mar near Barcelona, Spain, planet Earth. The mosaicked, panoramic image looks south. It merges three different exposure times to record a bright Last Quarter Moon, planets, seaside city lights, and dark castle ruins. Seen on February 1st the Moon was near Mars on the sky. But this week early morning risers have watched it move on, passing near Saturn and finally Venus and Mercury, sliding along near the ecliptic toward the dawn, approaching the February 7 New Moon.