

Sting - "Seven days" - Video - Music

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"Seven days"

Imagens de Lisboa - Interiores secretos - Colégio dos Meninos Orfãos

Number 64 of Rua da Mouraria hides one of the marvels of Portuguese tiled art from the 1700s. A former school and orphanage, now in a state of disrepair and divided into several offices and services, maintains a beautiful staircase covered with rococo tile panels depicting the main scenes of the Bible. In total there are 41 panels, with inscriptions at the top revealing the themes represented. It's not officially open to tourists, but the door is always open to those who wish to visit.
Colégio dos Meninos Orfãos, Lisboa
O número 64 da Rua da Mouraria esconde uma das maravilhas da azulejaria portuguesa do século XVIII. Um antigo colégio de orfãos, hoje em mau estado de conservação e dividido em vários escritórios e serviços, mantém uma bela escadaria forrada a azulejos rococó, contanto os principais episódios da Bíblia. Ao todo são 41 painéis, com inscrições na parte superior de cada um, identificando os temas representados. Não são realizadas visitas turísticas, mas a porta encontra-se sempre aberta a quem quiser visitar.

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 September 22 - Sunset at Edmontonhenge

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Sunset at Edmontonhenge 
Image Credit & CopyrightLuca Vanzella
Explanation: On September 18, the setting Sun illuminated both sides of the steep brick and steel canyon otherwise known as Jasper Avenue in downtown Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, planet Earth. The Stonehenge-like alignment is captured from the middle of the road in this daring snapshot. In Edmonton streets are laid out on a grid almost oriented along the cardinal directions, so aligned Edmonton sunsets (and sunrises) occur along the nearly east-west streets twice a year, close to the Equinox. In fact, at today's Equinox, the Sun crosses the celestial equator at 1421 UT and on this day the Sun will rise due east and set due west, bringing approximately equal hours of day and night to denizens of planet Earth. The September Equinox marks the astronomical beginning of Fall in the north and spring in the southern hemisphere.

Texto - Outono - Video - Musica

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Feuilles sèches virevoltant dans un ciel coloré de gris, images d’enfance enfouies au cœur de pensées, ciel se couchant en un éclat de bien-être, le bonheur de la senteur des sous-bois fleurant le temps passé, pluies parfumées, musique douce, peinture impressionniste,  Bientôt le parfum des feux de bois…

Bienvenu l’Automne.


Leonard Cohen - "In my secret life" - Video - Music

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"In my secret life"