

Imagens do Mundo - Sitios lindos de Portugal - Castelo Rodrigo

Castelo Rodrigo é um espaço monumental e medieval; As velhas muralhas, os restos do Palacio de Cristovão de Moura, a igreja , a cisterna e todos os indicios assim o atestam. As inscrições testemunham da chegada de uma importante comunidade de novos cristãos.

Euro 2016 - Italia/Alemanha: Intervalo - 0/0 - Viva Italia. Azzurri, tutto è possibile

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Euro 2016 - Italia/Alemanha: Intervalo - 0/0 - Viva Italia. Azzurri, tutto è possibile

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Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 July 2 - Firefly Trails and the Summer Milky Way

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.
Firefly Trails and the Summer Milky Way 
Image Credit & Copyright: Malcolm Park (North York Astronomical Association)
Explanation: A camera fixed low to a tripod on a northern summer's eve captured the series of images used in this serene, southern Ontario skyscape. The lakeside view frames our fair galaxy above calm water and the night's quintessential luminous apparitions. But the trails of light are neither satellite glint, nor meteor flash, nor auroral glow. In the wide-field composite constructed with four consecutive 15 second exposures, a pulsing firefly enters at the right, first wandering toward the camera, then left and back toward the lake, the central Milky Way rising in the background.