

Fotos do passado - Chimpanzé astronauta

Chimpanzé astronauta após uma missão bem sucedida no espaço em 1961

Fotos do passado - Menina e sua boneca

Menina e sua boneca em frente a sua casa destruída 
em Londres na Segunda Guerra Mundial

Imagenes del Mundo - Cárcel Quezón City en Manila (Filipinas).


Imagenes del Mundo - Región de Aveiro, Portugal

Señales de tráfico cerca de una carretera quemadas debido a un incendio en la región de Aveiro, en el norte de Portugal.Señales de tráfico cerca de una carretera quemadas debido a un incendio en la región de Aveiro, en el norte de Portugal.

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 August 11 - Perseid, Aurora, and Noctilucent Clouds

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Perseid, Aurora, and Noctilucent Clouds 
Image Credit & CopyrightGöran Strand
Explanation: Night skies over northern Sweden can hold some tantalizing sights in August. Gazing toward the Big Dipper, this beautiful northern skyscape captures three of them in a single frame taken last August 12/13. Though receding from northern skies for the season, night shining or noctilucent clouds are hanging just above the horizon. Extreme altitude icy condensations on meteoric dust, they were caught here just below an early apparition of a lovely green auroral band, also shining near the edge of space. The flash of a Perseid meteor near the peak of the annual shower punctuates the scene. In fact, this year's Perseid shower will peak in the coming days, offering a continuing chance for a night sky photographer's hat trick.