RIO - O músico Severino Filho, do grupo de bossa nova Os Cariocas, morreu na manhã desta terça-feira. Severino, que fundou o grupo ao lado do irmão Ismel Netto, em 1942, é pai da atriz Lúcia Veríssimo e tinha 88 anos. Internado desde o dia 18 de janeiro com um quadro de trombose pulmonar no Hospital Quinta D'Or, o músico sofreu uma parada cardiorrespiratória.
Unusual Clouds over Hong Kong Image Credit & Copyright: Alfred Lee
Explanation: What's that in the sky? Earlier this month, in the sky high above Hong Kong, China, not just one unusual type of cloud appeared -- but two. In the foreground was a long lenticular cloud, a cloud that forms near mountains from uprising air and might appear to some as an alien spaceship. Higher in the sky, and further in the background, was a colorful iridescent cloud. Iridescentclouds are composed of water droplets of similar size that diffract different colors of sunlight by different amounts. Furthest in the background is the Sun, blocked from direct view by the opaque lenticular, but providing the light for the colors of the iridescent. Either type of cloud is unusual to see in Hong Kong, and unfortunately, after only a few minutes, both were gone.