

Foto - "A leste tudo novo" - 25-04-2015

"A leste tudo novo"


Playing For Change - "Pata pata" - Video - Music around the world

"Pata pata"

Chico Buarque - "Fado tropical" - Video - Musica

Afficher l'image d'origine
"Fado tropical"

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 April 25 - Cluster and Starforming Region Westerlund 2

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 the highest resolution version available.
Cluster and Starforming Region Westerlund 2 
Image Credit & Copyright: NASAESA, the Hubble Heritage Team
(STScI / AURA), A. Nota (ESA/STScI), and the Westerlund 2 Science Team
Explanation: Located 20,000 light-years away in the constellation Carina, the young cluster and starforming region Westerlund 2 fills this cosmic scene. Captured with Hubble's cameras in near-infrared and visible light, the stunning image is a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope on April 24, 1990. The cluster's dense concentration of luminous, massive stars is about 10 light-years across. Strong winds and radiation from those massive young stars have sculpted and shaped the region's gas and dust, into starforming pillars that point back to the central cluster. Red dots surrounding the bright stars are the cluster's faint newborn stars, still within their natal gas and dust cocoons. But brighter blue stars scattered around are likely not in the Westerlund 2 cluster and instead lie in the foreground of the Hubble anniversary field of view.

Aconteceu a 25 de abril de...1974 - A Revolução dos Cravos.

Monumento ao 25 de Abril em Grândola, vila morena 
1974 - Revoluçáo dos Cravos (25 DE ABRIL)
A 25 de abril de 1974, ocorre a Revolução dos Cravos, levada a cabo pelo Movimento das Forças Armadas, que põe termo, em Portugal, ao regime ditatorial do Estado Novo.

"Antes e depois do 25 de abril de 1974" - Video

"Antes e depois do 25 de abril de 1974"