

The Bee Gees - "Massachusetts"


Imagens do Mundo - Atardecer em Espanha

Es Vedrá
Pocos momentos generan tantos buenos sentimientos como un atardecer. El ocaso es la puerta que nos comunica con la paz interior, el colofón de un gran día o el presagio de una noche llena de misterios; un momento para disfrutar a solas o en buena compañía. Atardeceres bellos hay muchos, pero estos serían mis diez lugares favoritos de España para ver ponerse el sol y reconciliarse con el ser humano y la naturaleza.

A imagem do dia 27-01-2014

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From the Northern to the Southern Cross
Image Credit & Copyright: Nicholas Buer

Explanation: There is a road that connects the Northern to the Southern Cross but you have to be at the right place and time to see it. The road, as pictured above, is actually the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy; the right place, in this case, is dark Laguna Cejar in Salar de Atacama of Northern Chile; and the right time was in early October, just after sunset. Many sky wonders were captured then, including the bright Moon, inside the Milky Way arch; Venus, just above the Moon; Saturn and Mercury, just below the Moon; the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds satellite galaxies, on the far left; red airglow near the horizon on the image left; and the lights of small towns at several locations across the horizon. One might guess that composing this 30-image panorama would have been a serene experience, but for that one would have required earplugs to ignore the continued brays of wild donkeys.