

Expressões populares portuguesas - Embandeirar em arco

Significado: Manifestação efusiva de alegria.

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Origem: Na Marinha, em dias de gala ou simplesmente festivos, os navios embandeiram em arco, isto é, içam pelas adriças ou cabos (vergueiros) de embandeiramento galhardetes, bandeiras e cometas quase até ao topo dos mastros, indo um dos seus extremos para a proa e outro para a popa. Assim são assinalados esses dias de regozijo ou se saúdam outros barcos que se manifestam da mesma forma.

Imagenes del Mundo - Desiertos más curiosos de la Tierra - Bryce Canyon - Utah - Estados Unidos

Desiertos curiosos
Una formación natural impresionante. Bryce Canyon, en el estado de Utah

Astronomy picture of the day - 2017 January 15 - The Matter of the Bullet Cluster

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The Matter of the Bullet Cluster 
Image Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/ M. Markevitch et al.;
Lensing Map: NASA/STScI; ESO WFI; Magellan/U.Arizona/ D.Clowe et al.
Optical: NASA/STScI; Magellan/U.Arizona/D.Clowe et al.
Explanation: What's the matter with the Bullet Cluster? This massive cluster of galaxies (1E 0657-558) creates gravitational lens distortions of background galaxies in a way that has been interpreted as strong evidence for the leading theory: that dark matter exists within. Different recent analyses, though, indicate that a less popular alternative -- modifying gravity-- could explain cluster dynamics without dark matter, and provide a more likely progenitor scenario as well. Currently, the two scientific hypotheses are competing to explain the observations: it's invisible matter versus amended gravity. The duel is dramatic as a clear Bullet-proof example of dark matter would shatter the simplicity ofmodified gravity theories. For the near future, the battle over the Bullet cluster is likely to continue as new observations, computer simulations, and analyses are completed. The featured image is a Hubble/Chandra/Magellan composite with red depicting the X-rays emitted by hot gas, and blue depicting the suggested separated dark matter distribution.