

Imagens - La Terre vue de l'Espace - Argentina e Uruguay

PHOTOS. 6 mois dans l'espace : les plus belles images de Thomas Pesquet
"L'argent de Buenos Aires vs l'or de la pampa uruguayenne et le Rio de la Plata en frontière de luxe".

Thomas Pesquet

Astronomy picture of the day - 2017 May 22 - A Zodiacal Sky over Horseshoe Bend

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A Zodiacal Sky over Horseshoe Bend 
Image Credit & Copyright: David Lane
Explanation: What's causing the unusual ray of white light extending upward from the central horizon? Dust orbiting the Sun. At certain times of the year, a band of sun-reflecting dust from the inner Solar System rises prominently before sunrise and is called zodiacal light. The dust originates mostly from faint Jupiter-family comets and slowly spirals into the SunPictured, in front of the zodiacal light, is a spectacular view of Horseshoe Bend of the Colorado River. Emitted from well behind the zodiacal light is a spectacular sky that includes many bright stars including Sirius, several blue star clusters including the Pleiades, and an assortment of red nebula including Barnard's Loop in Orion. The 30-image composite was taken earlier this month in nearly complete darkness only six inches from the edge of a dangerous cliff.