

Now, it's time to say goodbye - 02-03-2015


Foto - "Boneco solitario vê chover na rua du Sénéchal" - Toulouse

"Boneco solitario vê chover na rua du Sénéchal" - Toulouse


Imagens do Mundo - A festa dos 450 anos do Rio de Janeiro

Uma frota de 20 veleiros refez o mesmo percurso realizado por Estácio de Sá em 1565
Foto: Adriana Lorete / Agência O Globo

Uma frota de 20 veleiros refez o mesmo percurso realizado pelo Portugûes Estácio de Sá em 1565.

Imagens do Mundo - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

A deslumbrante vista da Baía de Guanabara, por onde o português Estácio de Sá chegou, há 450 anos, às terras que se tornariam uma das mais belas cidades do mundo Foto: Fernando Quevedo / Agência O Globo

A deslumbrante vista da Baía de Guanabara, por onde o português Estácio de Sá chegou, há 450 anos, às terras em que se costruiria uma das mais belas cidades do mundo

Imagens do Mundo - Fenghuang - China

Photo prise le 22 juillet 2013 montrant le paysage nocturne de l'ancienne ville de Fenghuang dans la province du Hunan (centre de la Chine)

Source: Xinhua

Astronomy picture of the day - 02-03-2015 - Lenticular Cloud, Moon, Mars, Venus

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.
Lenticular Cloud, Moon, Mars, Venus 
Image Credit & Copyright: Nuno Serrão
Explanation: It is not every day that such an interesting cloud photobombs your image. The original plan was to photograph a rare angular conjunction of Mars and Venus that occurred a week and a half ago, with the added bonus of a crescent Moon and the International Space Station (ISS) both passing nearby. Unfortunately, on Madeira IslandPortugal, this event was clouded out. During the next day, however, a spectacular lenticular cloud appeared before sunset, so the industrious astrophotographer quickly formulated a new plan. A close look at the resulting image reveals the Moon visible toward the left of the frame, while underneath, near the bottom, are the famous planets with Venus being the brighter. It was the unexpected lenticular cloud, though, perhaps looking like some sort of futuristic spaceship, that stole the show. The setting Sun illuminated the stationary cloud (and everything else) from the bottom, setting up an intricate pattern of shadows, layers, and brightly illuminated regions, all seen evolving in a corresponding video. Mars and Venus will next appear this close on the sky in late August, but whether any place on Earth will catch them behind such a photogenic cloud is unknown.