Un bebé duerme dentro de una mosquitera en un centro de evacuación a las afueras de Marawi (Filipinas) mientras las fuerzas gubernamentales continúan su ataque contra los insurgentes.
Iniciado em 1501, no reinado de D. Manuel I, viria a ser concluído já no reinado de D. João III. Com a sua fachada de 300 metros, juntamente com a vizinha Torre de Belém, é um dos mais emblemáticos exemplos do chamado estilo manuelino, uma derivação do gótico em que abundam os pormenores decorativos com motivos náuticos, em celebração da epopeia dos descobrimentos. Está classificado como património mundial pela UNESCO.
Explanation: A long recognized naked-eye variable star, R Aquarii is actually an interacting binary star system, two stars that seem to have a close, symbiotic relationship. About 710 light years away, it consists of a cool red giant star and hot, dense white dwarf star in mutual orbit around their common center of mass. The binary system's visible light is dominated by the red giant, itself a Mira-type long period variable star. But material in cool giant star's extended envelope is pulled by gravity onto the surface of the smaller, denser white dwarf, eventually triggering a thermonuclear explosion and blasting material into space. Optical image data (red) shows the still expanding ring of debris originating from a blast that would have been seen in the early 1770s. The evolution of less understood energetic events producing high energy emission in the R Aquarii system has been monitored since 2000 using Chandra X-ray Observatory data (blue). The composite field of view is less that a light-year across at the estimated distance of R Aquarii.