

Now, it's time to say goodbye - Ciao, ciao, ciao...!


Imagens do Mundo - Mondim de Basto - Portugal

Mondim de Basto
- em véspera da chegada à Senhora da Graça da Volta a Portugal em bicicleta -

25 miradouros em Lisboa - Elevador de Santa Justa

Miradouro do Elevador de Santa Justa, Lisboa

From the top of this monument are bird's-eye views of the city center. No visitor to Lisbon should miss it, except those who suffer from vertigo, as you'll feel like you're literally standing above the city.

Do topo deste monumento tem-se uma vista espetacular do centro da cidade. Ninguém que visita Lisboa deve deixar de passar por aqui, a não ser aqueles que sofrem de vertigens, pois aqui tem-se a sensação de se estar a flutuar sobre a cidade.

Imagens do Mundo - Julho fechou com uma enorme e rara "lua azul" - Nova Iorque

Nova Iorque

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 August 1 - Stripping ESO 137-001

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.
Stripping ESO 137-001 
Explanation: Spiral galaxy ESO 137-001 hurtles through massive galaxy cluster Abell 3627 some 220 million light years away. The distant galaxy is seen in this colorful Hubble/Chandra composite image through a foreground of the Milky Way's stars toward the southern constellation Triangulum Australe. As the spiral speeds along at nearly 7 million kilometers per hour, its gas and dust are stripped away when ram pressure with the cluster's own hot, tenuous intracluster medium overcomes the galaxy's gravity. Evident in Hubble's near visible light data, bright star clusters have formed in the stripped material along the short, trailing blue streaks. Chandra's X-ray data shows off the enormous extent of the heated, stripped gas as diffuse, darker blue trails stretching over 400,000 light-years toward the bottom right. The significant loss of dust and gas will make new star formation difficult for this galaxy. A yellowish elliptical galaxy, lacking in star forming dust and gas, is just to the right of ESO 137-001 in the frame.

Now, it's time to say goodbye. Ciao!


Foto - Museu de Arte Moderna - Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro

Museu de Arte Moderna

Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro, 31-03-2012