

Imagens do Mundo - Londres - Inglaterra

Vista nocturna de la ciudad de Londres, el 20 de mayo de 2014.

Imagens do Mundo - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Vista aérea de la ciudad brasileña de Río de Janeiro, el 16 de junio de 2014.

Imagens do Mundo - Boémia - Republica Checa

Foto © Duowen Chen / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Uma fotografia tirada no Dia de Natal de de 2013, numa localidade histórica da Boémia, na República Checa

Imagens do Mundo - Gruner See - Austria

Foto © Marc Henauer / National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Marc Henauer fotografou um mergulho num lago na Áustria, o Grüner See, que na primavera, graças ao degelo, ocupa os campos em volta. O resultado é uma "paisagem mágica"

Imagens do Mundo - Colorado - USA

Imagem da formação de uma supercélula sobre as planícies do Colorado, EUA

Astronomy picture of the day - 15-01-2015 - Venus and Mercury at Sunset

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.
Venus and Mercury at Sunset 
Image Credit & CopyrightTamas Ladanyi (TWAN)
Explanation: Inner planets Venus and Mercury can never wander far from the Sun in Earth's sky. This week you've probably seen them both gathered near the western horizon just after sunset, a close conjunction of bright celestial beacons in the fading twilight. The pair are framed in this early evening skyview captured on January 13 from the ruins of Szarvasko Castle in northwestern Hungary. Above the silhouette of the landscape's prominent volcanic hill Venus is much the brighter, separated from Mercury by little more than the width of two Full Moons. On Friday, planet Earth's early morning risers will also be treated to a close conjunction, when Saturn meets an old crescent Moon near the southeastern horizon at dawn.