

Imagens do Mundo - Céu irado - Algermissen - Alemanha

Mundo - Céu irado
Raios abatem-se sobre turbinas eólicas em Algermissen, na Alemanha. Violentas tempestades causaram pelo menos seis mortes no oeste daquele país.

A imagem do dia 11-06-2014

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.
Three Galaxies over New Zealand
Image Credit & Copyright: Mike Mackinven

Explanation: No, radio dishes cannot broadcast galaxies. Although they can detect them, the above image features a photogenic superposition during a dark night in New Zealand about two weeks ago. As pictured above, the central part of our Milky Way Galaxy is seen rising to the east on the image left and arching high overhead. Beneath the Galactic arc and just above the horizon are the two brightest satellite galaxies of our Milky Way, with the Small Magellanic Cloud to the left and the Large Magellanic Cloud on the right. The radio dish is the Warkworth Satellite Station located just north of Auckland.