

Cura do Cancro: as boas noticias continuam

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Qualquer avanço na área do tratamento do cancro é recebido como uma boa notícia. Os resultados do ensaio clínico conduzido por Stanley Ridel, investigador no Centro Fred Hutchinson de Investigação em Cancro (Estados Unidos), não foram exceção. Embora considerem que esta investigação vem reforçar a importância da imunoterapia, os cientistas portugueses entrevistados pelo Observador referem que a técnica não é nova. Os investigadores não duvidam que os resultados sejam promissores, mas lembram que esta ainda é uma fase inicial dos ensaios clínicos.

“Do ponto de vista da eficácia terapêutica em leucemia linfoblástica aguda [LLA] avançada pode dizer-se que [a técnica] é revolucionária: 94% de remissões completas seriam impossíveis com qualquer outro tratamento disponível”, disse ao Observador Bruno Silva Santos, vice-diretor do Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM) da Universidade de Lisboa. Mas o investigador, que também faz investigação em imunoterapia, disse que, em termos conceptuais, a técnica não é novidade e já se sabia que podia “ser aplicável a tumores de linfócitos B [células B do sistema imunitário], como é o caso dos doentes de LLA ou de certos casos de linfoma”.

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Observador - Portugal

Roberto Carlos e Anitta - "Ternura" - Video - Musica - Ao vivo

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Roberto Carlos e Erasmo Carlos - "Amigo" - Video - Musica - Ao vivo


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 29 - Julius Caesar and Leap Days

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Julius Caesar and Leap Days 
Image Credit: Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.Wikimedia
Explanation: Today, February 29th, is a leap day - a relatively rare occurrence. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar, featured here in a self-decreed minted coin, created a calendar system that added one leap day every four years. Acting on advice by Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes, Caesar did this to make up for the fact that the Earth's year is slightly more than 365 days. In modern terms, the time it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun is slightly more than the time it takes for the Earth to rotate 365 times (with respect to the Sun -- actually we now know this takes about 365.24219 rotations). So, if calendar years contained 365 days they would drift from the actual year by about 1 day every 4 years. Eventually July (named posthumously for Julius Caesar himself) would occur during the northern hemisphere winter! By adopting a leap year with an extra day every four years, the calendar year would drift much less. This Julian Calendar system was used until the year 1582 when Pope Gregory XIII provided further fine-tuning when he added that leap days should not occur in years ending in "00", unless divisible by 400. This Gregorian Calendar system is the one in common use today.

A herdeira ultimamente nascida: Haize!

Haize - 28-02-2016
(My last little baby... e o carimbo de "fabrica" esta na vista direita mais pequena...)


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 28 - IC 1848: The Soul Nebula

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IC 1848: The Soul Nebula 
Image Credit & Copyright: Roberto Colombari
Explanation: Stars are forming in the Soul of the Queen of Aethopia. More specifically, a large star forming region called the Soul Nebula can be found in the direction of the constellation Cassiopeia, who Greek mythology credits as the vain wife of a King who long ago ruled lands surrounding the upper Nile river. The Soul Nebula houses several open clusters of stars, a large radio source known as W5, and huge evacuated bubbles formed by the winds of young massive stars. Located about 6,500 light years away, the Soul Nebula spans about 100 light years and is usually imaged next to its celestial neighbor the Heart Nebula (IC 1805). The featured image appears mostly red due to the emission of a specific color of light emitted by excited hydrogen gas.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 27 - Northern Pluto

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Northern Pluto 
Image Credit: NASAJohns Hopkins Univ./APLSouthwest Research Institute 
Explanation: Gaze across the frozen canyons of northern Pluto in this contrast enhanced color scene, imaged last July by the New Horizons spacecraft. Currently known as Lowell Regio, the region has been informally named for Percival Lowell, founder of the Lowell Observatory. Also famous for his speculation that there were canals on Mars, in 1906 Lowell started the search that ultimately led to Pluto's discovery. Pluto's North Pole itself is above and left of center in the the frame. The pale bluish floor of the broad canyon on the left is about 70 kilometers (45 miles) wide, running vertically toward the south. Higher elevations take on a yellowish hue. New Horizon's measurements have determined that in addition to nitrogen ice, methane ice is abundant across northern Pluto's Lowell Regio.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 26 - The Tarantula Nebula

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The Tarantula Nebula 
Image Credit & CopyrightProcessing - Robert GendlerRoberto Colombari
Data - Hubble Tarantula TreasuryEuropean Southern Observatory 
Explanation: The Tarantula Nebula is more than a thousand light-years in diameter, a giant star forming region within nearby satellite galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud, about 180 thousand light-years away. The largest, most violent star forming region known in the whole Local Group of galaxies, the cosmic arachnid sprawls across this spectacular composite view constructed with space- and ground-based image data. Within the Tarantula (NGC 2070), intense radiation, stellar winds and supernova shocks from the central young cluster of massive stars, cataloged as R136, energize the nebular glow and shape the spidery filaments. Around the Tarantula are other star forming regions with young star clusters, filaments, and blown-out bubble-shaped clouds In fact, the frame includes the site of the closest supernova in modern times, SN 1987A, at the lower right. The rich field of view spans about 1 degree or 2 full moons, in the southern constellation Dorado. But were the Tarantula Nebula closer, say 1,500 light-years distant like the local star forming Orion Nebula, it would take up half the sky.


Texto - E a minha tia Celeste cantava o Fado - 1957

Naqueles belos anos todos cantavam ; o João Maria Tudela, a Emissora Nacional, o Rádio Clube… Beatriz Costa, Maria de Lurdes Rezende…e quando cansados de tanto cantar na Rádio, vinham alguns  reclames tipo, “Tide a lavar e eu a descansar”… E chegava, enfim, o que mais ansiávamos: Os Parodiantes de Lisboa! “Patilhas e Ventoinha” marcaram para sempre a minha meninice…

Televisão, Internet, tecnologias que hoje nos são habituais, nem sequer imaginar…

Telefone não existia para a nossa classe; íamos a casa de uns e outros sem prevenir nem hora marcada; éramos recebidos com a naturalidade dos familiares bem-vindos…

De quando em vez, ouvia-se cantar o fado; por vezes numa rara telefonia… Mas, na maioria dos casos, eram vozes bem conhecidas; a minha tia Celeste era uma delas!

E eram as incessantes corridas entre putos; partiam da avenida da Bélgica, davam a volta ao quarteirão, passando pelo Beco da Adega e, por vezes, atravessavam a “avenida” sem carros. Cruzavam por vezes velhas carrossas com rodas em “cauthcu” que as tornavam um pouco mais silenciosas.

Ao fim do dia, quase ao anoitecer, era tempo de começar as partidas: tocar às campainhas, atirar lixo contra as montras, desafiar capicuas (guardas republicanos a cavalo), levar de “cavalo marinho” para alguns, “curtir” como se diz hoje em dia.

Foi a minha meninice no Barreiro; tinha então todos os seres amados, entretanto desaparecidos, de que  tenho todas as saudades do Mundo!

Bordeaux, 25 de Fevereiro de 2016


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 25 - Highest, Tallest, and Closest to the Stars

2016 February 25
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Highest, Tallest, and Closest to the Stars 
Image Credit & CopyrightJeff DaiO Chul KwonStéphane Guisard (Los Cielos de America), TWAN
Explanation: Fans of planet Earth probably recognize its highest mountain, the Himalayan Mount Everest, on the left in this 3-panel skyscape of The World at Night. Shrouded in cloud Everest's peak is at 8,848 meters (29,029 feet) elevation above sea level. In the middle panel, stars trail above volcanic Mauna Kea forming part of the island of Hawaii. Festooned with astronomical observatories, its summit lies a mere 4,168 meters above sea level. Still, measured from its base starting below the ocean's surface, Mauna Kea is over 10,000 meters tall, making it Earth's tallest mountain from base to summit. At right, beneath the arc of the Milky Way is the Andean mountain Chimborazo in Ecuador. The highest equatorial mountain, the Chimborazo volcano's peak elevation is 6,268 meters above sea level. But rotating planet Earth is a flattened sphere (oblate spheroid) in shape, its equatorial diameter greater than its diameter measured pole to pole. Sitting nearly on top of Earth's greatest equatorial bulge, Chimborazo's peak is the farthest point on the planet's surface from the center, over 2,000 meters farther from the center of the Earth than Everest's peak. That makes Chimborazo's summit the place on Earth's surface closest to the stars.


Fotos - Haizé - Minha neta recem-chegada


Roberto Carlos - "Você em minha vida" - Video - Musica

"Você em minha vida"
(P'ra Ge)

UEFA - Braga apurado para os 8°s de final: Os Deuses estiveram com os Guerreiros do Minho!

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Os Guerreiros do Minho acabam de se apurar para os oitavos de final da Liga UEFA depois de um empate caseiro (2-2) contra os suiços do Sion.

O Sporting Clube de Braga havia vencido na Suiça por 2-1.

Foi um jogo sofrido em que o comandante, treinador Paulo Fonseca, transmitiu muita intranquilidade aos seus jogadores;

O Braga foi sempre uma equipa "assustada" que poderia ter perdido a eliminatoria em tempo de descontos quando viu a bola bater no travessão da sua baliza...

Os Portugueses empataram, sofreram demasiado mas...passaram a eliminatoria.

Senhor treinador, não é possivel ver a equipa jogar assim. A ganhar, depois de uma primeira mão favoravel, não se entende que se deite a  rezar em vez de dirigir os seus homens, mormente, preenchendo o meio campo, não deixando a iniciativa ao Sion que é uma equipa da segunda divisão europeia! Desta vez, Deus esteve consigo...

Mas enfim, depois de todo este sofrimento, os parabéns aos jogadores bracarenses que até conseguiram ganhar a eliminatoria, praticamente sem treinador!



Sitios imperdiveis em Lisboa - Andar no mitico eléctrico 28

Dar um passeio no 28; o eléctrico tem muita história!!

Imagens - O Porto, o horizonte, a noite chega

Espetacular horizonte do Porto à noite

Imagenes del Mundo - Los sumideros del Mar Muerto,

Cientos de sumideros aparecen cada año a orillas del Mar Muerto. Las autoridades aún no logran medir los daños. "No es un problema que podamos resolver solos", ha dicho Dov Litvinoff, el alcalde de Tamar, la región que cubre la mitad sur del Mar Muerto en Israel.

Marisa Monte - "Ilusão" - Video - Musica - Ao vivo

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Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 24 - USA's Northeast Megalopolis from Space

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USA's Northeast Megalopolis from Space 
Image Credit: NASAInternational Space Station
Explanation: Can you identify a familiar area in the northeast USA just from nighttime lights? It might be possible because many major cities are visible, including (right to left) New YorkPhiladelphiaBaltimoreWashington,Richmond and Norfolk -- Boston of the USA's Northeast megalopolis is not pictured. The featured image was taken in 2012 from the International Space Station. In the foreground are two Russian cargo ships with prominent solar panels. This Northeast megalopolis of the USA contains almost 20 percent of the people of the USA but only about 2 percent of the land area. Also known also as the Northeast Corridor and part of the Eastern Seaboard, about 10 percent of the world's largest companies are headquartered here. The near continuity of the lights seem to add credence to the 1960s-era prediction that the entire stretch is evolving into one continuous city.


Efemérides - Morte de Zeca Afonso - "Os vampiros" - Video - Musica - Ao vivo

1987 - Morre Zeca Afonso      
Nasceu a 2 de Agosto de 1929
A 23 de Fevereiro de 1987, morre, em Setúbal, o compositor português de música de intervenção, José Manuel Cerqueira Afonso dos Santos, mais conhecido por Zeca Afonso.
"Os vampiros"

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 23 - A Supernova through Galaxy Dust

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A Supernova through Galaxy Dust 
Image Credit: NASAESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA);
Inset Image: Howard Hedlund & Dave JurasevichLas Campanas Obs.
Explanation: Telescopes around the world are tracking a bright supernova that occurred in a nearby dusty galaxy. The powerful stellar explosion was first noted earlier this month. The nearby galaxy is the photogenic Centaurus A, visible with binoculars and known for impressive filaments of light-absorbing dust that cross its center. Cen A is featured here in a high-resolution archival Hubble Space Telescope image, with an inset image featuring the supernovataken from the ground only two days after discovery. Designated SN2016adj, the supernova is highlighted with crosshairs in the inset, appearing just to the left of a bright foreground star in our Milky Way Galaxy. This supernova is currently thought to be of Type IIb, a stellar-core-collapse supernova, and is of high interest because it occurred so nearby and because it is being seen through a known dust filament. Current and future observations of this supernovamay give us new clues about the fates of massive stars and how some elements found on our Earth were formed.


Randy Crawford - "Purple rain" - Video - Music - Live

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"Purple rain"

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 22 - Flying Over Pluto's Moon Charon

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Flying Over Pluto's Moon Charon 
Video Credit: NASAJohns Hopkins U. APLSwRI, Stuart Robbins
Explanation: Given some poetic license, there is now scientific evidence that hell has frozen over. To start, Greek mythology holds that Charon is the ferryman of the underworld. Next, recent analysis of data taken by the robotic New Horizons spacecraft that shot past Charon -- the namesake that is the largest moon of Pluto -- in July now indicates that the cause of the huge chasm that runs across the 1200-km moon was that a huge internal sea froze. And sincewater expands when it freezes, the already hardened outer crust could not contain it and cracked. To better picture the crack, a fanciful journey over some of Charon's has been digitally created from collected images. The featured video starts by showing the Dark Polar Deposit (dubbed Mordor) near Charon's north pole and then flies over the dwarf-planet-wide canyon. Last, the video shows a much-debated protuberance called Moated Mountain. Understanding the history of Pluto and Charon is helping humanity to better understand both the friendliest and more forbidding places in the early Solar System from which Earth formed and life somehow emerged.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 21 - M82: Galaxy with a Supergalactic Wind

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M82: Galaxy with a Supergalactic Wind 
Image Credit: NASAESA, The Hubble Heritage Team, (STScI/AURA)
Acknowledgement: M. Mountain (STScI), P. Puxley (NSF), J. Gallagher (U. Wisconsin)
Explanation: What's lighting up the Cigar Galaxy? M82, as this irregular galaxy is also known, was stirred up by a recent pass near large spiral galaxy M81. This doesn't fully explain the source of the red-glowing outwardly expanding gas, however. Evidence indicates that this gas is being driven out by the combined emerging particle winds of many stars, together creating a galactic superwind. The featured photographic mosaic highlights a specific color of red light strongly emitted by ionized hydrogen gas, showing detailed filaments of this gas. The filaments extend for over 10,000 light years. The 12-million light-year distant Cigar Galaxy is the brightest galaxy in the sky in infrared light, and can be seen in visible light with a small telescope towards the constellation of the Great Bear (Ursa Major).


Imagens do Mundo - "Refugiados"


Imagens do Mundo - Explosão em Tianjin, China

Vista aérea da destruição causada pela explosão de Tianjin (China) a 15 de agosto de 2015.

Imagens do Mundo - Tempestade - Praia de Bondi, Australia

Tempestade. 6 de novembro, na praia de Bondi na Australia.

Imagens do Mundo - Vulcão Colima, México

Foto - 'El poder de la naturaleza' de Sergio Tapiro del volcán Colima en México.

Imagens do Mundo - Surf na Nazaré, Portugal

Surf numa onda gigante na praia do Norte na Nazaré (Portugal).

Imagens do Mundo - Portugueses à caça de tornados

Ha malucos para tudo. Os cinco amigos e fundadores da Associação de Meteorologia Amadora, Troposfera têm uma atração por tempestades e correm atrás delas, em vez de fugirem delas. No ano passado, juntaram 15 mil euros e gastaram três semanas de férias no centro dos Estados Unidos, à caça de tornados.
Visão - Portugal

Ennya - "Echoes in rain" - Video - Music

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"Echoes in rain"

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 20 - Where Your Shadow Has Company

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Where Your Shadow Has Company 
Poster Illustration Credit: NASAJPLExoplanet Travel Bureau
Explanation: Want to take a relaxing interstellar vacation? Consider visiting Kepler-16b, a world in a binary star system. In fact Kepler-16b is the first discovered circumbinary planet. It was detected in a wide 229 day orbit around a close pair of cool, low-mass stars some 200 light-years away. The parent stars eclipse one another in their orbits, observed as a dimming of starlight. But Kepler-16b itself was discovered by following the additional very slight dimming produced during its transits. Like sci-fi planet Tatooine of Star Wars fame, two suns would set over its horizon. Still, Kepler 16b is probably not a Tatooine-like terrestrial desert world. Instead, Kepler 16b is thought to be a cold, uninhabitable planet with about the mass of Saturn and a gaseous surface ... so plan to dress accordingly. Or, choose another Visions of the Future vacation destination.


Sp. Braga está a um pequeno passo dos oitavos-de-final. Parabéns "Guerreiros do Minho"!

O Sp. Braga tornou-se esta quinta-feira na única equipa portuguesa a poder reservar (com relativa segurança) um lugar no sorteio dos oitavos-de-final da Liga Europa. Na Suíça, os “guerreiros” do Minho sofreram, mas conseguiram impor uma derrota, por 2-1, ao Sion, prosseguindo a sua boa campanha na segunda prova da UEFA.

Ler mais em:

Publico - Portugal

Pedro Abrunhosa - "Serà" - Video - Musica - Ao vivo

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Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 19 - NGC 2403 in Camelopardalis

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NGC 2403 in Camelopardalis 
Image Credit & CopyrightEric Coles and Mel Helm
Explanation: Magnificent island universe NGC 2403 stands within the boundaries of the long-necked constellation Camelopardalis. Some 10 million light-years distant and about 50,000 light-years across, the spiral galaxy also seems to have more than its fair share of giant star forming HII regions, marked by the telltale reddish glow of atomic hydrogen gas. The giant HII regions are energized by clusters of hot, massive stars that explode as bright supernovae at the end of their short and furious lives. A member of the M81 group of galaxies, NGC 2403 closely resembles another galaxy with an abundance of star forming regions that lies within our own local galaxy group, M33 the Triangulum GalaxySpiky in appearance, bright stars in this colorful galaxy portrait of NGC 2403 are in the foreground, within our own Milky Way.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 18 - Hitomi Launches

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Hitomi Launches 
Image Credit & CopyrightF. Scott Porter (NASAGoddard Space Flight Center)
Explanation: On February 17 at 5:45pm JST this H-IIA rocket blasted skyward from JAXA's Tanegashima Space Center located off the southern coast of Japan, planet Earth. Onboard was the ASTRO-H X-ray astronomy satellite, now in orbit. Designed to explore the extreme cosmos from black holes to massive galaxy clusters, the satellite observatory is equipped with four cutting-edge X-ray telescopes and instruments sensitive to photon energies from 300 to 600,000 electron volts. By comparison, visible light photon energies are 2 to 3 electron volts. Following a tradition of renaming satellites after their successful launch, ASTRO-H has been newly dubbed "Hitomi", inspired by an ancientlegend of dragons. Hitomi means "the pupil of the eye".


Pictures from my mind - "Duas e meio" - 17-02-2016

"Duas e meio"


Imagens do Mundo - Madrid, Espanha - Dia de chuva

"Dia de chuva em Madrid"

Imagens do Mundo - Singapura com asas

Pilotos dos "Black Eagles" da Coreia do Sul realizam acrobacias com os seus "T-50" durante numa exibição em Singapura.

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 17 - Milky Way over the Pinnacles in Australia

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Milky Way over the Pinnacles in Australia 
Image Credit: Michael Goh
Explanation: What strange world is this? Earth. In the foreground of the featured image are the Pinnacles, unusual rock spires in Nambung National Park in Western Australia. Made of ancient sea shells (limestone), how these human-sized picturesque spires formed remains unknown. In the background, just past the end of the central Pinnacle, is a bright crescent Moon. The eerie glow around the Moon is mostly zodiacal light, sunlight reflected by dust grains orbiting between the planets in the Solar System. Arching across the top is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. Many famous stars and nebula are also visible in the background night sky. The featured 29-panel panorama was taken and composed last September after detailed planning that involved the Moon, the rock spires, and their corresponding shadows. Even so, the strong zodiacal light was a pleasant surprise.


Benfica: O maior clube do Mundo!

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BENFICA!!!Afficher l'image d'origine

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 16 - Star Forming Region S106

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Star Forming Region S106 
Image Credit: NASAESAHubble Legacy ArchiveProcessed & Copyright: Brandon Pimenta
Explanation: Massive star IRS 4 is beginning to spread its wings. Born only about 100,000 years ago, material streaming out from this newborn star has formed the nebula dubbed Sharpless 2-106 Nebula (S106), featured here. A large disk of dust and gas orbiting Infrared Source 4 (IRS 4), visible in brown near the image center, gives the nebula an hourglass or butterfly shape. S106 gas near IRS 4 acts as an emission nebula as it emits light after being ionized, while dust far from IRS 4 reflects light from the central star and so acts as a reflection nebula. Detailed inspection of a recent infrared image of S106 reveal hundreds of low-mass brown dwarf stars lurking in the nebula's gas. S106 spans about 2 light-years and lies about 2000 light-years away toward the constellation of the Swan (Cygnus).


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 15 - White Rock Fingers on Mars

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White Rock Fingers on Mars 
Image Credit: THEMISMars Odyssey Team, ASUJPLNASA
Explanation: What caused this unusual light rock formation on Mars? Intrigued by the possibility that they could be salt deposits left over as an ancient lakebed dried-up, detailed studies of these fingers now indicate a more mundane possibility: volcanic ash. Studying the exact color of the formation indicated the possible volcanic origin. The light material appears to have eroded away from surrounding area, indicating a very low-density substance. The stark contrast between the rocks and the surrounding sand is compounded by the unusual darkness of the sand. The featured picture was taken with the Thermal Emission Imaging System on the Mars Odyssey, the longest serving spacecraft currently orbiting Mars. The image spans about 10 kilometers inside a larger crater.


Texto - "Eu"

Porque não sou sectário, porque não fui (ainda?) atingido de proselitismo, porque detesto claques e facciosismos, porque entendo ser Livre, porque os Amigos não precisam de ostentar o que detesto, porque a corrupção não tem ideologias oportunas... 

Porque os amigos pertencendo a todo e qualquer quadrante político-confessional que lhes aprouver,  e tutti quanti… Porque entendo que a sinceridade é  essencial…

Porque… Porquê? O tempo não passa, nos é que passamos por ele; e todas as mentiras acabam por ser reveladas na sua  prova oculta.

Quanto mais me afasto da mentira, melhor me dou comigo, eliminando simultânea e progressivamente as gentes da “treta”.

Quando chegar a minha hora, irei em paz com a minha consciência…



Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 14 - A Heart Shaped Lenticular Cloud

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A Heart Shaped Lenticular Cloud 
Image Credit & Copyright: Michael Kunze
Explanation: Can a cloud love a mountain? Perhaps not, but on a Valentine's Day like today, one might be prone to seeing heart-shaped symbols where they don't actually exist. A fleeting pareidolia, the featured heart was really alenticular cloud that appeared one morning last July above Mount Cook National Park in New Zealand. A companion video shows the lenticular cloud was mostly stationary in the sky but shifted and vibrated with surrounding winds. The cloud's red color was caused by the Sun rising off the frame to the right. Lenticular clouds are somewhat rare but can form in air that passes over a mountain. Then, vertical eddies may form where rising air cools past the dew pointcausing water carried by the air to condense into droplets. Unfortunately, this amazing sight made the fascinated videographer late for breakfast.


Lou Reed - "Venus in furs" - Video - Music - Live

Lou Reed lors de sa conférence de presse... (Photo: AFP)
"Venus in furs"

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 February 13 - Yutu on a Little Planet

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Yutu on a Little Planet 
Image Credit: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese National Space Administration,
Emily Lakdawalla (Planetary Society) - Stitched by: Andrew Bodrov
Explanation: Tracks lead to a small robot perched near the top of this bright little planet. Of course, the planet is really the Moon. The robot is the desk-sized Yutu rover, leaving its looming Chang'e 3 lander after a after a mid-December 2013 touch down in the northern Mare Imbrium. The little planet projection is a digitally warped and stitched mosaic of images from the lander's terrain camera covering 360 by 180 degrees. Ultimately traveling over 100 meters, Yutu came to a halt in January 2014. The lander's instruments are still working though, after more than two years on the lunar surface. Meanwhile, an interactive panoramic version of this little planet is available here.

Pictures from my mind - "Sweet Street Child" - 13-03-2014

"Sweet Street Child"

Bordeaux, 13-03-2014

Roberto Carlos - "Amanheceu" - Video - Music - Slides

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Pictures from my mind - "Point -of you-" - 07-03-2015

"Point -of you-"

Toulouse, 07-03-2015