

Astronomy picture of the day 21-08-2014 - Venus and Jupiter at Dawn

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Venus and Jupiter at Dawn
Image Credit &Copyright: Stefano De Rosa
Explanation: On Monday morning, Venus and Jupiter gathered close indawn skies, for some separated by about half the width of afull moon. It was theirclosest conjunctionsince 2000, captured here above the eastern horizon before sunrise.The serene and colorful viewis from Istia beach near the city of Capoliveri on the islandof Elba. Distant lights and rolling hills are along Italy's Tuscan coast. Of course, the celestial pair soon wandered apart. Brighter Venus headed lower, toward the eastern horizon and the glare of the Sun, while Jupiter continues to rise a little higher now inthe sky near dawn. The two brightest planetsmeet again next June 30th, in the evening twilight above the western horizon.

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