

Texto - Benfica e Rui Vitoria

Rui Vitoria, campeão!

Depois da poluida passagem pelo "Glorioso" do analfabeto Jorge Jesus (mesmo ganhando titulos), abriu-se uma nova era que não beneficia em nada os amigos sportinguistas. Nunca concebi a sua suja maneira de estar no meu clube. Desamparou e foi para casa do Sporting. Independentemente dos resultados que consiga vai, pelo menos, colocar os lagartos fidalgos a falarem o calão dos baixos fundos de Lisboa. Perdão por este excesso de sinceridade. 

Liga Campeões: BENFICA vence Atlético Madrid e isola-se na frente do grupo

Aguia Vitoria

O Benfica venceu hoje em casa dos espanhóis do Atlético de Madrid por 2-1, isolando-se na frente do grupo C da Liga dos Campeões em futebol, em encontro da segunda jornada.
Angel Correa, aos 23 minutos, ainda deu vantagem aos 'colchoneros', mas Gaitan, aos 36, e Gonçalo Guedes, aos 51, deram a volta ao marcador e permitiram ao Benfica conquistar importante triunfo em casa de um dos principais rivais na corrida ao apuramento.
Com este triunfo, o Benfica isola-se na frente do grupo com seis pontos, mais três do que o Atlético, segundo, enquanto os cazaques do Astana e os turcos do Galatasaray repartem o terceiro lugar com um.

Futebol 365

Foto -"Rue Tripière - Toulouse"

"Rue Tripière - Toulouse"


Foto - "Metro Toulouse (Jolimont)"

"Metro Toulouse (Jolimont)"

Toulouse, 18-03-2015

Foto - "Arco" - Bordeaux, 19-03-2014


Bordeaux, 19-03-2014

Fotografia - Lisboa antiga - "Baixa e Tejo" - 1946

"Baixa e Tejo - 1946"

Lou Reed - "Sweet Jane" - Video - Music - Live

"Sweet Jane"

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 30 - Seasonal Streaks Point to Recent Flowing Water on Mars

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Seasonal Streaks Point to Recent Flowing Water on Mars 
Image Credit: NASAJPLU. Arizona
Explanation: What creates these changing streaks on Mars? Called Recurring Slope Linea (RSL), these dark features start on the slopes of hills and craters but don't usually extend to the bottom. What's even more unusual is thatthese streaks appear to change with the season, appearing fresh and growing during warm weather and disappearing during the winter. After much study, including a recent chemical analyses, a leading hypothesis has emerged that these streaks are likely created by new occurrences of liquid salty water that evaporates as it flows. The source for the briny water is still unclear, with two possibilities being condensation from the Martian atmosphere and underground reservoirs. An exciting inference is that if these briny flows are not too salty, they may be able to support microbial life on Mars even today. The featured image of a hill inside Horowitz Crater was investigated by instruments aboard the robotic Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that has been returning data from Mars since 2006.


Foto - Céu sereno - Toulouse (Aufrery) - 18-11-2014

"Céu sereno"

Toulouse, 18-11-2014

"Ireland" - Video

Vélo et vieilles pierres

Conhece todos os miradouros em Lisboa?... Miradouro Anfiteatro Keil do Amaral

Miradouro de Monsanto, Lisboa

The largest urban forest in Europe hides an amphitheater overlooking the 25 de Abril Bridge, but in between the pines and the picnic areas of Monsanto are also other lookout points facing the city and the Tagus.
No maior parque florestal urbano da Europa encontra-se um anfiteatro com vista para a Ponte 25 de Abril, mas entre os pinheiros e os parques de merendas de Monsanto estão também outros miradouros virados para a cidade e para o Tejo.

Astronomy picture of the day - 29-09-2015 - Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse and Lightning Storm

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Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse and Lightning Storm 
Image Credit & Copyright: Jose Antonio Hervás
Explanation: What's more rare than a supermoon total lunar eclipse? How about a supermoon total lunar eclipse over a lightning storm. Such an electrifying sequence was captured yesterday from Ibiza, an island in southeastern Spain. After planning the location for beauty, and the timing to capture the entire eclipse sequence, the only thing that had to cooperate for this astrophotographer to capture a memorable eclipse sequence was the weather. What looked to be a bother on the horizon, though, turned out to be a blessing. The composite picture features over 200 digitally combined images from the same location over the course of a night. The full moon is seen setting as it faded to red in Earth's shadow and then returned to normal. The fortuitous lightning is seen reflected in the Mediterranean to the right of the 400-meter tall rocky island of Es Vedra. Although the next total eclipse of a large and bright supermoon will occur in 2033, the next total eclipse of any full moon will occur in January 2018 and be best visible from eastern Asia and Australia.

Foto - "Fonte da Telha - Costa de Caparica - 16-09-2014

"Fonte da Telha" 

Costa de Caparica 


Portugal. “Nous sommes tous des réfugiés”

Cette semaine, l’hebdomadaire Visão consacre sa une aux réfugiés vivant déjà au Portugal. Barré du titre “Nous sommes tous des réfugiés”, le portrait de six personnes en couverture met en avant la diversité de leurs origines. Un long article revient sur les “histoires de ceux qui ont choisi le Portugal pour échapper à la mort”.
Pour illustrer le reportage, Diaby, Sabina, Obai, Ahmed, Ali, Ayad et Mubarak sont photographiés de face car, selon le journal, “ils nous regardent en face comme ils sont habitués à le faire depuis qu’ils ont regagné leur dignité”. Plusieurs fois reproduit, le hashtag#portugalacolhe (#leportugalaccueille) lancé par le magazine prend clairement position pour un accueil volontaire des migrants.

Pourtant situé à l’écart des routes migratoires, le Portugal apparaît mobilisé sur la question de l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile. Le pays, confronté à une émigration massive depuis la crise économique, se montre disposé à accueillir plus de migrants que ce que prévoient les quotas européens.

Même António Guterres, haut-commissaire de l’agence de l’ONU pour les réfugiés (ACNUR) et ancien Premier ministre portugais, a déclaré à la chaîne RTP ce 22 septembre que les capacités du pays lui permettraient de recevoir au moins 4 000 réfugiés “sans que cela ait un impact sociétal important”. Le ministère des affaires étrangères portugais a annoncé le 23 septembre que le pays irait finalement recevoir 4500 réfugiés. Les premiers quotas évoqués par la Commission européenne concernaient l’accueil de seulement 1 500 personnes.

Courrier International - France

Astronomy picture of the day - 28-09-2015 - Yesterday: A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse - Video

2015 September 27

Tonight: A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 
Video Credit: NASA's GSFC, David Ladd (USRA) & Krystofer Kim (USRA)
Explanation: Tonight a bright full Moon will fade to red. Tonight's moon will be particularly bright because it is reaching its fully lit phase when it is relatively close to the Earth in its elliptical orbit. In fact, by some measures of size and brightness, tonight's full Moon is designated a supermoon, although perhaps the "super" is overstated because it will be only a few percent larger and brighter than the average full Moon. However, our Moon will fade to a dim redbecause it will also undergo a total lunar eclipse -- an episode when the Moon becomes completely engulfed in Earth's shadow. The faint red color results from blue sunlight being more strongly scattered away by the Earth's atmosphere. Tonight's moon can also be called a Harvest Moon as it is the full Moon that occurs closest to the September equinox, a time signaling crop harvest in Earth's northern hemisphere. Total eclipses of supermoons are relatively rare -- the last supermoon lunar eclipse was in 1982, and the next will be in 2033. Tonight's supermoon total eclipse will last over an hour and be best visible from eastern North America after sunset, South America in the middle of the night, and Western Europe before sunrise.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 24 - LDN 988 and Friends

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LDN 988 and Friends 
Image Credit & Copyright: Rafael Rodríguez Morales
Explanation: Stars are forming in dark, dusty molecular cloud LDN 988. Seen near picture center some 2,000 light-years distant, LDN 988 and other nearby dark nebulae were cataloged by Beverly T. Lynds in 1962 using Palomar Observatory Sky Survey plates. Narrowband and near-infrared explorations of the dark nebula reveal energetic shocks and outflows light-years across associated with dozens of newborn stars. But in this sharp optical telescopic view, the irregular outlines of LDN 988 and friends look like dancing stick figures eclipsing the rich starfields of the constellation Cygnus. From dark sky sites the region can be identified by eye alone. It's part of the Great Rift of dark nebulae along the plane of the Milky Way galaxy known as the Northern Coalsack.

Drawing from my mind - "Ignore the rain; Look for the Rainbow!"

"Ignore the rain, look for the rainbow"!

Bordeaux, 05-05-2014


Conhece todos os miradouros em Lisboa?... Miradouro da Calçada de Santo Amaro

Miradouro de Santo Amaro, Lisboa
Hidden on Calçada de Santo Amaro, a small chapel dating from 1549 offers a beautiful little-known terrace. Usually deserted, it has a view towards 25 de Abril Bridge and over the river.
Escondida na Calçada de Santo Amaro, uma pequena capela fundada em 1549 oferece um belo miradouro muito pouco conhecido. Quase sempre deserto, tem uma vista privilegiada sobre o rio e da Ponte 25 de Abril.

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 23 - Antarctic Analemma

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Antarctic Analemma 
Image Credit & Copyright: Adrianos Golemis
Explanation: Does the Sun return to the same spot on the sky every day? No. A better and more visual answer to that question is an analemma, a composite image taken from the same spot at the same time over the course of a year. The featured weekly analemma was taken despite cold temperatures and high winds near the Concordia Station in Antarctica. The position of the Sun at 4 pm was captured on multiple days in the digital composite image, believed to be the first analemma constructed from Antarctica. The reason the image only shows the Sun from September to March is because the Sun was below the horizon for much of the rest of the year. In fact, today being an equinox, the Sun rises today at the South Pole after a six month absence and won't set again until the next equinox in March, baring large atmospheric refraction effects. Conversely, today the Sun sets at the North Pole after half a year of continuous daylight. For all of the Earth in between, though, the equinox means that today will have a nighttime and daytime that are both 12 hours long.

Antonio Vivaldi - "The four seasons - Autumn" - Video - Music

Jour d'automne sous la pluie -02 - Forêt d'Ermenonville, Oise
"The four seasons - Autumn"


Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 22 - Milky Way over Bosque Alegre Station in Argentina

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Milky Way over Bosque Alegre Station in Argentina 
Image Credit & Copyright: Sebastián D' Alessandro
Explanation: What are those streaks of light in the sky? First and foremost, the arching structure is the central band of our Milky Way galaxy. Visible in this galactic band are millions of distant stars mixed with numerous lanes of dark dust. Harder to discern is a nearly vertical beam of light rising from the horizon, just to the right of the image center. This beam is zodiacal light, sunlight scattered by dust in our Solar System that may be surprisingly prominent just after sunset or just before sunrise. In the foreground are several telescopes of the Bosque Alegre Astrophysical Station of the National University of Cordoba in Argentina. The station schedules weekend tours and conducts research into the nature of many astronomical objects including cometsactive galaxies, and clusters of galaxies. The featured image was taken early this month.

Drawing from my mind - "Le jour se lève"

"Le jour se lève"



Pictures from my Mind - "Céu de Caudéran" - 19-09-2015 - 19,37 h

"Céu de Caudéran"

Bordeaux, 19-09-2015

Fotografia - Lisboa antiga - Rua do Carmo - 1900

Rua do Carmo - 1900

Conhece todos os miradouros em Lisboa?... Panteão Nacional

Miradouro do Panteão Nacional, Lisboa
At the top of the National Pantheon, right by the huge dome, you may look out to the river, 25 de Abril Bridge, the Alfama district, and the towers of St. Vincent Monastery right across from you.
No topo do Panteão Nacional, junto à sua grande cúpula, pode-se ficar a observar o Tejo, o bairro de Alfama, a Ponte 25 de Abril, e as torres do Mosteiro de São Vicente de Fora mesmo em frente.

Photo from my mind - "Ao cair do pano" - Caudéran - 25-04-2015

"Ao cair do pano"

Caudéran, (Bordeaux) - 25-04-2015

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 19 - A Prominence on the Sun

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A Prominence on the Sun 
Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Friedman (Averted Imagination)
Explanation: This eerie landscape of incandescent plasma suspended in looping and twisted magnetic fields stretched toward the Sun's eastern horizon on September 16. Captured through a backyard telescope and narrowband filter in light from ionized hydrogen, the scene reveals a gigantic prominence lofted above the solar limb. Some 600,000 kilometers across, the magnetized plasma wall would dwarf worlds of the Solar System. Ruling gas giant Jupiter can only boast a diameter of 143,000 kilometers or so, while planet Earth's diameter is less than 13,000 kilometers. Known as a hedgerow prominence for its appearance, the enormous structure is far from stable though, and such large solar prominences often erupt.

Laurent Voulzy - "C'était déjà toi" - Video - Musique

Bopper en larmes
"C'était déjà toi"


Portugal/Chine - Ces Chinois qui font leur cinéma

L’octroi de permis de résidence dans le cadre du programme portugais des “visas dorés” concernait initialement les étrangers qui investissaient plus de 500 000 euros dans de l’immobilier. Depuis l’altération de la loi le 30 juin dernier, ces visas regardent également les investissements de 350 000 euros dans des activités scientifiques ou de 250 000 euros dans la production artistique locale.
Ainsi, alors que 2 465 “visas dorés” ont déjà été octroyés depuis leur création, 50 résidents chinois désirent utiliser le programme afin de tourner des films à Lisbonne ou à Porto. Ces candidats devront engager au minimum 250 000 euros dans la production de films de fiction. Un investissement non négligeable pour l’Etat portugais, qui a créé pour l’occasion la Portuguese Film Commission, afin de centraliser ces demandes spécifiques.

Courrier International - France 

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 18 - A Plutonian Landscape

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A Plutonian Landscape 
Image Credit: NASAJohns Hopkins Univ./APLSouthwest Research Institue
Explanation: This shadowy landscape of majestic mountains and icy plains stretches toward the horizon of a small, distant world. It was captured from a range of about 18,000 kilometers when New Horizons looked back toward Pluto, 15 minutes after the spacecraft's closest approach on July 14. The dramatic, low-angle, near-twilight scene follows rugged mountains still popularly known as Norgay Montes from foreground left, and Hillary Montes along the horizon, giving way to smooth Sputnik Planum at right. Layers of Pluto's tenuous atmosphere are also revealed in the backlit view. With a strangely familiar appearance, the frigid terrain likely includes ices of nitrogen and carbon monoxide with water-ice mountains rising up to 3,500 meters (11,000 feet). That's comparable in height to the majestic mountains of planet Earth. This Plutonian landscape is 380 kilometers (230 miles) across.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 17 - Pickering's Triangle in the Veil

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Pickering's Triangle in the Veil 
Image Credit & CopyrightJ-P Metsävainio (Astro Anarchy)
Explanation: Chaotic in appearance, these filaments of shocked, glowing gas break across planet Earth's sky toward the constellation of Cygnus, as part of the Veil Nebula. The Veil Nebula itself is a large supernova remnant, an expanding cloud born of the death explosion of a massive star. Light from the original supernova explosion likely reached Earth over 5,000 years ago. Blasted out in the cataclysmic event, the interstellar shock waves plow through space sweeping up and exciting interstellar material. The glowing filaments are really more like long ripples in a sheet seen almost edge on, remarkably well separated into the glow of ionized hydrogen and sulfur atoms shown in red and green, and oxygen in blue hues. Also known as the Cygnus Loop, the Veil Nebula now spans nearly 3 degrees or about 6 times the diameter of the full Moon. While that translates to over 70 light-years at its estimated distance of 1,500 light-years, this field of view spans less than one third that distance. Identified as Pickering's Triangle for a director of Harvard College Observatory and cataloged as NGC 6979, the complex of filaments might be more appropriately known as Williamina Fleming's Triangular Wisp.

UEFA Benfica continua em 6º e FC Porto é 11º classificado

Benfica e FC Porto não ganharam posições, mas também não desceram no ranking da UEFA, que foi atualizado após os primeiros jogos da fase de grupos da Liga dos Campeões.

O Benfica continua em sexto lugar, numa lista em que o Arsenal desceu para nono e foi ultrapassado pela Juventus Paris Saint-Germain.

O FC Porto mantém-se no 11.º lugar, atrás do Dortmund.

Portugal mantém o quinto posto no ranking, atrás da Itália e à frente da França.


1. Real Madrid (Esp) 145.228 pontos

2. Bayern (Ale) 137.521

3. Barcelona (Esp) 134.228

4. Chelsea (Ing) 122.056

5. Atlético Madrid (Esp) 118.228

6. Benfica (Por) 99.016

7. Juventus (Ita) 93.221

8. Paris Saint-Germain (Fra) 92.983

9. Arsenal (Ing) 92.056

10. Dortmund (Ale) 90.521

11. FC Porto (Por) 85.016


37. Sporting (Por) 43.016

70. SC Braga (Por) 26.516

102. Estoril (Por) 16.016

104. V. Guimarães (Por) 15.516

113. Marítimo (Por) 14.016

122. Académica (Por) 13.016

127. Rio Ave (Por) 12.016

128. Nacional (Por) 12.016

129. Paços de Ferreira (Por) 12.016

165. Belenenses (Por) 9.016

O Jogo - Portugal


Conhece todos os miradouros em Lisboa?... São Vicente de Fora

Miradouro do Mosteiro de São Vicente de Fora, Lisboa

Very few people are aware of the fantastic city views from the rooftop of this monument. The domed National Pantheon stands right below it, and you may look out over Alfama to 25 de Abril Bridge.
Muitos desconhecem que do topo deste mosteiro tem-se uma vista fantástica de Lisboa. O Panteão Nacional encontra-se logo ao lado, e pode-se admirar também todo o bairro de Alfama e a Ponte 25 de Abril.

Imagenes del Mundo - Incendios en California

Un equipo de bomberos trabaja en un incendio forestal en Middletown, California (Estados Unidos). Al menos una persona ha muerto y más de 400 viviendas y negocios han sido destruidos hasta el momento por el rápido avances de las llamas.

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 16 - Pluto from above Cthulhu Regio

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Pluto from above Cthulhu Regio 
Image Credit: NASAJohns Hopkins Univ./APLSouthwest Research Inst.
Explanation: New high resolution images of Pluto are starting to arrive from the outer Solar System. The robotic New Horizons spacecraft, which zoomed by Pluto in July, has finished sending back some needed engineering data and is now transmitting selections from its tremendous storehouse of images of Pluto and its moons. The featured image, a digital composite, details a surprising terrain filled with craters, plains, landscape of unknown character, and landforms that resemble something on Earth but are quite unexpected on Pluto. The light area sprawling across the upper right has been dubbed Sputnik Planum and is being studied for its unusual smoothness, while the dark cratered area just under the spacecraft is known as Cthulhu Regio. So far, New Horizons has only shared a few percent of the images and data it took during its Pluto flyby, but will continue to send back new views of the dwarf planet even as it glides outward toward even more distant explorations.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 15 - A Spiral Aurora over Iceland

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A Spiral Aurora over Iceland 
Image Credit & Copyright: Davide Necchi
Explanation: What's happened to the sky? Aurora! Captured late last month, this aurora was noted by Icelanders for its great brightness and quick development. The aurora resulted from a solar storm, with high energy particles bursting out from the Sun and through a crack in Earth's protective magnetosphere a few days later. Although a spiral pattern can be discerned, creative humans might imagine the complex glow as an atmospheric apparition of any number of common icons. In the foreground of the featured image is the Ölfusá River, while the lights illuminate a bridge in Selfoss City. Just beyond the low clouds is a nearly full Moon. The liveliness of the Sun -- and the resulting auroras on Earth -- is slowly diminishing as the Sun emerges from a Solar maximum of surface activity and evolves towards a historically more quite period in its 11-year cycle. In fact, solar astronomers are waiting to see if the coming Solar minimum will be as unusually quiet as the last one, where sometimes months would go by with no discernible sunspots or other active solar phenomena.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 13 - A Partial Solar Eclipse over Texas

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A Partial Solar Eclipse over Texas 
Image Credit & Copyright: Jimmy Westlake (Colorado Mountain College) & Linda Westlake
Explanation: It was a typical Texas sunset except that most of the Sun was missing. The location of the missing piece of the Sun was not a mystery -- it was behind the Moon. Featured here is one of the more interesting images taken of a partial solar eclipse that occurred in 2012, capturing a temporarily crescent Sun setting in a reddened sky behind brush and a windmill. The image was taken about 20 miles west of SundownTexas, USA, just after the ring of fireeffect was broken by the Moon moving away from the center of the Sun. Today a new partial solar eclipse of the Sun will be visible from Earth. Unfortunately for people who live in Texas, today's eclipse can only be seen from southern Africa and Antarctica.


Carlos Paião "Cinderela' - Video - Musica


Hino galego - Audio - Musica

Hino galego

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 11 - A Giant Squid in the Flying Bat

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A Giant Squid in the Flying Bat 
Image Credit & CopyrightSteve Cannistra (StarryWonders)
Explanation: Very faint but also very large on planet Earth's sky, a giant Squid Nebula cataloged as Ou4, and Sh2-129 also known as the Flying Bat Nebula, are both caught in this scene toward the royal constellation Cepheus.Composed with a total of 20 hours of broadband and narrowband data, the telescopic field of view is almost 4 degrees or 8 Full Moons across. Discovered in 2011 by French astro-imager Nicolas Outters, the Squid Nebula's alluringbipolar shape is distinguished here by the telltale blue-green emission from doubly ionized oxygen atoms. Though apparently completely surrounded by the reddish hydrogen emission region Sh2-129, the true distance and nature of the Squid Nebula have been difficult to determine. Still, a recent investigation suggests Ou4 really does lie within Sh2-129 some 2,300 light-years away. Consistent with that scenario, Ou4 would represent a spectacular outflow driven by atriple system of hot, massive stars, cataloged as HR8119, seen near the center of the nebula. If so, the truly giant Squid Nebula would physically be nearly 50 light-years across.


Texto - "O Pifaro leiteiro" - Documento invulgar do nosso correspondente Peter Abrunheira do Riacho de fevereiro

Preciosidade alentejana. Beja, ano de 1771. Fenomenal! Isto é uma reliquiaDescrição peculiar,  num português precioso usado na época . O rapaz usou o pífaro leiteiro ( já tinha ouvido chamar-lhe muitos nomes, este é mais um ) no vaso da rapariga. (so faltava referir as partes fodengas!)

"Vistos os autos, se prova que , indo a autora para a fonte, lhe saiu ao encontro o réu, e, levantando-lhe o faldistério, lhe encaixou o pifaro leiteiro no vaso natural, e, esgaravatando,  ficou consumada a desfloração. Portanto condeno o réu a que pague as custas e selos e receba a moça e o absolvo das garras da lei. Beja, 25 de novembro de 1771. O juiz (a) Doutor Manuel da Costa Silva Araujo" 

A relação deste pênis para esse corpo humano está completamente FORA de proporção.

Peter Abrunheira - Riacho de Fevereiro - Europa Lateral

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 September 10 - Earthrise

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Image Credit: Apollo 8NASA
Explanation: What's that rising over the edge of the Moon? Earth. About 47 years ago, in December of 1968, the Apollo 8 crew flew from the Earth to the Moon and back again. Frank BormanJames Lovell, and William Anderswere launched atop a Saturn V rocket on December 21, circled the Moon ten times in their command module, and returned to Earth on December 27. The Apollo 8 mission's impressive list of firsts includes: the first humans to journey to the Earth's Moon, the first to fly using the Saturn V rocket, and the first to photograph the Earth from deep space. As the Apollo 8 command module rounded the farside of the Moon, the crew could look toward the lunar horizonand see the Earth appear to rise, due to their spacecraft's orbital motion. Their famous picture of a distant blue Earth above the Moon's limb was a marvelous gift to the world.


Drajnhg of spirity - "Lampadeur"


Bordeaux, 13-04-2014

The Script - "Superheroes" - Video - Music


Portugal. “Recevoir les réfugiés qui veulent vivre avec nous, grandir avec nous”

Não devendo, nem querendo, opormo-nos às declaracão do Primeiro ministro de Portugal, nesta matéria, não podemos reprimir o que nos vem ao espirito: os milhões de Portugueses no limiar da miséria...

Ce que je peux dire, c’est que le Portugal est disponible pour accueillir un plus grand nombre de réfugiés, et j’espère que cette preuve de solidarité et de volontariat existe aussi dans les pays de l’Union Européenne”, a déclaré Miguel Maduro en conférence de presse après l’habituel conseil des ministres, le jeudi 3 septembre. Ses propos sont rapportés par le journal portugais Expresso.
Le ministre adjoint, également en charge du Développement, a précisé que ce choix était soumis à la décision qui doit être prise au niveau européen, surtout en ce qui concerne le nombre de réfugiés que le pays accueillera.

Le Premier ministre, Pedro Passos Coelho, avait annoncé le jeudi 3 septembre que “toute l’Europe” devait “faire plus et mieux pour résoudre le problème des migrations”. Il a rejeté dans le même temps la possibilité que soit mis en cause le principe de liberté de circulation au sein de l’espace européen.

Un Etat différent et plus ambitieux

Le chef du gouvernement considère que ce problème doit être vu et résolu dans les pays dont sont originaires les migrants, comme dans ceux qui se trouvent sur leur chemin. Il a ajouté que les causes qui poussent les migrants à fuir leur pays, comme la faim et la guerre, pouvaient également évoluer à l’avenir.
Mais pour l’instant, nous avons la responsabilité éthique et morale d’être solidaire avec tous ceux qui font appel à nous, de mieux coordonner nos réponses, sans mettre en péril notre liberté de mouvement, de s’organiser à la fois en Europe pour pouvoir les accueillir mais surtout au Portugal afin de recevoir ceux qui veulent vivre avec nous, lutter avec nous, grandir avec nous et nous aider à faire de ce pays un Etat différent et plus ambitieux”, a conclu le Premier ministre portugais.

Courrier International - France