

Las 10 razas de perros más raras del mundo - Coonhound

Figura en el libro Guinness de los récords: es el perro con las orejas más grandes del mundo. Es un sabueso, especialista en la caza de mapaches. (Foto:

Imagens do Mundo - Mira la Tierra!

El aumento de las temperaturas, junto con precipitaciones escasas, está afectando gravemente a los agricultores de Assam en India.

Russie. Les routiers en colère veulent rouler sur Moscou

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En grève depuis le 10 novembre, les routiers qui protestent contre une nouvelle taxe entrée en vigueur le 15 novembre préparent une action nationale, rapporte le quotidien en ligne
Jusqu’à présent, ils s’étaient contentés de stationner leurs véhicules le long des autoroutes de leurs régions. Depuis dimanche 29 novembre, ils tentent de gagner Moscou, où 13 personnes participant à une manifestation de soutien au mouvement ont été arrêtées.
Cependant, l’action prévue dans la capitale le 30 novembre sera, dans le meilleur des cas, reportée. En effet, selon le quotidienNezavissimaÏa Gazeta, la manifestation est bloquée par les forces de l’ordre au Daghestan, en Kalmoukie, dans les régions de Volgograd, Smolensk, Iaroslavl, Saint-Péterbourg. “Les routiers sont interceptés, on leur retire leur permis de conduire et on les somme de faire demi-tour”, a déclaré le député communiste Valeri Rachkine, qui met en garde contre les risques d’affrontements, “étant donné que les grévistes n’ont pas l’intention d’obtempérer”.

Selon l’expert Nikolaï Mironov, directeur du Centre des réformes économiques et politiques, interrogé par la Nezavissimaïa Gazeta, “le pouvoir n’a clairement pas opté pour les négociations”. En effet, explique-t-il, “les autorités sont déterminées à défendre jusqu’au bout les intérêts et l’argent des personnalités de gros calibre concernées par la mise en place de la nouvelle taxe, et non les intérêts des routiers”. C’est pourquoi, selon lui, elles ne se priveront pas du recours à la force pour briser le mouvement.

Le Parti communiste a adressé une note à Vladimir Poutine et au Premier ministre Dmitri Medvedev, dans laquelle il dénonce les mesures d’intimidation mises en œuvre à l’égard des routiers, et le “refus des autorités d’entamer un véritable dialogue avec les mécontents”. Selon eux, “celles-ci essaient de gagner du temps”, “prennent des mesures pour diviser le mouvement et tentent d’acheter les leaders syndicaux”.

Courrier International - France

Queen - "Another one bites the dust" - Video - Music - Live

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"Another one bites the dust"

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 November 30 - In the Center of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3521

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In the Center of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3521 
Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA and S. Smartt (Queen's University Belfast); Acknowledgement: Robert Gendler
Explanation: This huge swirling mass of stars, gas, and dust occurs near the center of a nearby spiral galaxy. Gorgeous spiral NGC 3521 is a mere 35 million light-years distant, toward the constellation Leo. Spanning some 50,000light-years, its central region is shown in this dramatic image, constructed from data from the Hubble Space Telescope. The close-up view highlights this galaxy's characteristic multiple, patchy, irregular spiral arms laced with dust and clusters of young, blue stars. In contrast, many other spirals exhibit grand, sweeping arms. A relatively bright galaxy in planet Earth's sky, NGC 3521 is easily visible in small telescopes, but often overlooked by amateur imagers in favor of other Leo spiral galaxies, like M65 and M66.


Tragédia - Uma Chernobyl de lama no Brasil

Bento Rodrigues foi o primeiro a ser atingido pela lama de rejeitos após rompimento da barragem da Samarco Foto: Márcia Foletto / Agência O Globo
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O Globo - Brasil 

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 November 29 - Dark Sand Cascades on Mars

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Dark Sand Cascades on Mars 
Image Credit: HiRISEMROLPL (U. Arizona)NASA
Explanation: They might look like trees on Mars, but they're not. Groups of dark brown streaks have been photographed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on melting pinkish sand dunes covered with light frost. The above imagewas taken in 2008 April near the North Pole of Mars. At that time, dark sand on the interior of Martian sand dunes became more and more visible as the spring Sun melted the lighter carbon dioxide ice. When occurring near the top of a dune, dark sand may cascade down the dune leaving dark surface streaks -- streaks that might appear at first to be trees standing in front of the lighter regions, but cast no shadows. Objects about 25 centimeters across are resolved on this image spanning about one kilometer. Close ups of some parts of this image show billowing plumes indicating that the sand slides were occurring even while the image was being taken.


Noir Désir - "Le vent nous portera" - Video - Musique - Live

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"Le vent nous portera"

Astronomy picture of the day - 28-11-2015 - Rosetta and Comet Outbound

2015 November 28
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Rosetta and Comet Outbound 
Image Credit & CopyrightDamian Peach/SEN
Explanation: Not a bright comet, 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko now sweeps slowly through planet Earth's predawn skies near the line-up of planets along the ecliptic. Still, this composite of telescopic images follows the comet's progress as it moves away from the Sun beyond the orbit of Mars, from late September (left) through late November (far right). Its faint but extensive coma and tails are viewed against the colorful background of stars near the eastern edge of the constellation Leo. A year ago, before its perihelion passage, the comet was less active, though. Then the Rosetta mission's lander Philae made it's historic landing, touching down on the surface of the comet's nucleus.


Imagens do Mundo - Hannover - Alemanha

Un hombre corre por Herrenhaeuser Allee en Hannover (Alemania).

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 November 27 - Gravity's Grin

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Gravity's Grin 
Image Credit: X-ray - NASA / CXC / J. Irwin et al. ; Optical - NASA/STScI
Explanation: Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, published 100 years ago this month, predicted the phenomenon of gravitational lensing. And that's what gives these distant galaxies such a whimsical appearance, seen through the looking glass of X-ray and optical image data from the Chandra and Hubble space telescopes. Nicknamed the Cheshire Cat galaxy group, the group's two large elliptical galaxies are suggestively framed by arcs. The arcs are optical images of distant background galaxies lensed by the foreground group's total distribution of gravitational mass dominated by dark matter. In fact the two large elliptical "eye" galaxies represent the brightest members of their own galaxy groups which are merging. Their relative collisional speed of nearly 1,350 kilometers/second heats gas to millions of degrees producing the X-ray glow shown in purple hues. Curiouser about galaxy group mergers? The Cheshire Cat group grins in the constellation Ursa Major, some 4.6 billion light-years away.


Portugal. António Costa nommé Premier ministre

Après une dernière entrevue au matin du 24 novembre avec l’intéressé, le président portugais Aníbal Cavaco Silva a nommé le leader socialiste António Costa Premier ministre. Même si le président avait fait miroiter la possibilité d’un “gouvernement de gestion” – qui gèrerait les affaires provisoires jusqu’à de prochaines élections–, il a finalement fait le choix d’accepter que la coalition de gauche, majoritaire au parlement, forme un gouvernement. Le 10 novembre, l’alliance du Parti socialiste, du bloc de gauche (gauche radicale) et du Parti communiste portugais avait censuré le précédent gouvernement – minoritaire – de Pedro Passos Coelho.

La version en ligne de l’hebdomadaire portugais Expresso titre d’ailleurs sur les deux informations : “Costa nommé Premier ministre, Cavaco n’a pas voulu d’un gouvernement de gestion”. Selon l’hebdomadaire, Cavaco Silva aurait finalement jugé “qu’un gouvernement de gestion n’était pas dans l’intérêt national […] car la Constitution ne permettait pas une dissolution du Parlement avant le mois d’avril de l’année prochaine”.

Le gouvernement de Costa devrait être composé uniquement de personnalités issues du Parti socialiste et dont la liste avait été déjà ébruitée dans la presse. Selon Expresso, on pressent l’économiste Mário Centeno aux Finances, Manuel Caldeira Cabral à l’Economie et Augusto Santos Silva au ministère des Affaires étrangères. La Culture, qui redevient un ministère à part entière, pourrait revenir à l’actrice et député Inês de Medeiros ou à João Soares, le fils de l’ancien président Mário Soares.
Courrier International - France

Las 10 razas de perros más raras del mundo - 4) Perro sin pelo del Perú

También conocido como viringo o perro calato, ha sido reconocido oficialmente como patrimonio nacional de Perú. Estos perros fueron adorados por los incas. Según la tradición de su país, abrazarlos puede ayudar a solucionar problemas digestivos. (Foto:

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 November 26 - Planets of the Morning

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Planets of the Morning 
Image Credit & CopyrightYuri Beletsky (Carnegie Las Campanas ObservatoryTWAN)
Explanation: Planet Earth's horizon stretches across this recent Solar System group portrait, seen from the southern hemisphere's Las Campanas Observatory. Taken before dawn it traces the ecliptic with a line-up familiar to November's early morning risers. Toward the east are bright planets Venus, Mars, and Jupiter as well as Regulus, alpha star of the constellation Leo. Of course the planets are immersed in the faint glow of zodiacal light, visible from the dark site rising at an angle from the horizon. Sometimes known as the false dawn, it's no accident the zodiacal light and planets both lie along the ecliptic. Formed in the flattened protoplanetary disk, the Solar System's planet's all orbit near the ecliptic plane, while dust near the plane scatters sunlight, the source of the faint zodiacal glow.


Quem é José Luis Carneiro? (Recem-nomeado Secretario de Estado das Comunidades)

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O líder da federação do Porto do PS – a maior distrital do partido – foi apoiante de António José Seguro, anterior líder socialista, e até há pouco tempo presidente da Câmara de Baião e da Comissão de Recursos Naturais do Comité das Regiões da UE. Tem 44 anos.

Novo Secretario de Estado das Comunidades Portuguesas: José Luis Carneiro

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O novo Secretario das Comunidades Portuguesas é José Luis Carneiro. (Em actualização)...

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 November 25 - Unusual Pits Discovered on Pluto

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Unusual Pits Discovered on Pluto 
Image Credit: NASAJohns Hopkins U. APLSwRI
Explanation: Why are there unusual pits on Pluto? The indentations were discovered during the New Horizons spacecraft's flyby of the dwarf planet in July. The largest pits span a kilometer across and dip tens of meters into a lake offrozen nitrogen, a lake that sprawls across Sputnik Planum, part of the famous light-colored heart-shaped region named Tombaugh Regio. Although most pits in the Solar System are created by impact craters, these depressions look different -- many are similarly sized, densely packed, and aligned. Rather, it is thought that something has caused these specific areas of ice to sublimate and evaporate away. In fact, the lack of overlying impact craters indicates these pits formed relatively recently. Even though the robotic New Horizons is now off to a new destination, it continues to beam back to Earth new images and data from its dramatic encounter with Pluto.

Drawings from my mind - "Sexta-Feira no bosque"

"Sexta-Feira no bosque"

Aufrery, 8 de maio de 2015


Antonio Costa "indicado" Por Cavaco (não indigitado) para primeiro-ministro

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Nota oficial da Presidência confirma que Cavaco Silva, ouvidos os partidos com assento parlamentar, decidiu indicar António Costa para primeiro-ministro.
Ainda hoje António Costa voltará a Belém para entregar o elenco governativo ao Presidente.
O texto da Presidência da República, na íntegra:
"As informações recolhidas nas reuniões com os parceiros sociais e instituições da sociedade civil confirmaram que a continuação em funções do XX Governo Constitucional, limitado à prática dos atos necessários para assegurar a gestão dos negócios públicos, não corresponderia ao interesse nacional.
Tal situação prolongar-se-ia por tempo indefinido, dada a impossibilidade, ditada pela Constituição, de proceder, até ao mês de abril do próximo ano, à dissolução da Assembleia da República e à convocação de eleições legislativas.
O Presidente da República tomou devida nota da resposta do secretário-geral do Partido Socialista às dúvidas suscitadas pelos documentos subscritos com o Bloco de Esquerda, o Partido Comunista Português e o Partido Ecologista "Os Verdes" quanto à estabilidade e durabilidade de um governo minoritário do partido Socialista, no horizonte temporal da legislatura.
Assim, o Presidente da República decidiu, ouvidos os partidos com representação parlamentar, indicar o Dr. António Costa para Primeiro-Ministro."
TSF - Portugal

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 November 24 - Aurora over Clouds

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Aurora over Clouds 
Image Credit & Copyright: Daniele Boffelli
Explanation: Auroras usually occur high above the clouds. The auroral glow is created when fast-moving particles ejected from the Sun impact the Earth's magnetosphere, from which charged particles spiral along the Earth's magnetic field to strike atoms and molecules high in the Earth's atmosphere. An oxygen atom, for example, will glow in the green light commonly emitted by an aurora after being energized by such a collision. The lowest part of an aurora will typically occur at 100 kilometers up, while most clouds usually exist only below about 10 kilometers. The relative heights of clouds and auroras are shown clearly in the featured picture from DyrholaeyIceland. There, a determined astrophotographer withstood high winds and initially overcast skies in an attempt to a capture aurora over a picturesque lighthouse, only to take, by chance, the featured picture along the way.

Turquia abate avião russo de combate perto da fronteira da Síria

Turquia abate caça russo

Um avião de combate russo foi abatido por caças F16 da força aérea da Turquia depois de ter violado o espaço aéreo daquele país, informaram, esta terça-feira, fontes militares turcas citadas pela imprensa internacional. 

O incidente aconteceu junto da fronteira com a Síria depois do avião de combater ter ignorado os "10 avisos em cinco minutos" da força aérea turca de que estava a violar o espaço aéreo da Turquia. 

Segundo a agência estatal Anadolu, dois pilotos conseguiram ejetar-se do avião, tendo sido filmados nos céus da Turquia com os paraquedas de emergência, sem se saber no entanto se conseguir sobreviver ao acidente. 

Em declarações à Reuters, o ministro do Interior russo afirma que o avião não violou o espaço aéreo turco e que pode provar que a aeronave esteve sob território sírio durante todo o voo. 

O primeiro-ministro da Turquia,  Ahmet Davutoglu, ordenou ao ministério das Relações Exteriores que consultasse a Nato, a Onu e os países envolvidos nos recentes acontecimentos na fronteira síria.

França, Rússia e EUA têm realizados ataques aéreos contínuos contra o Estado Islâmico na Síria.

TVI24 - Portugal 


Drawings from my mind - "Muralha" - 18-03-2015


Toulouse, 18-03-2015

Las 10 razas de perros más raras del mundo - 3) Catalburun

3) Catalburun
También conocido como “pointer turco”, es originario de Turquía. Lo más peculiar es su nariz: debido a una deformación genética, está divida en dos, como si estuviera partida. Gracias a su gran sentido del olfato, mucho más fuerte que el de otros perros, tiene fama de ser buen cazador.

Fotos - "Civilização e encanto" - Aufrery - 19-11-2014

"Civilização e encanto"

Aufrery, 19-11-2014

Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 November 23 - A 212-Hour Exposure of Orion

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A 212-Hour Exposure of Orion 
Image Credit & Copyright: Stanislav VolskiyRollover Annotation: Judy Schmidt
Explanation: The constellation of Orion is much more than three stars in a row. It is a direction in space that is rich with impressive nebulas. To better appreciate this well-known swath of sky, an extremely long exposure was taken over many clear nights in 2013 and 2014. After 212 hours of camera time and an additional year of processing, the featured 1400-exposure collage spanning over 40 times the angular diameter of the Moon emerged. Of the many interesting details that have become visible, one that particularly draws the eye is Barnard's Loop, the bright red circular filament arcing down from the middle. The Rosette Nebula is not the giant red nebula near the top of the image -- that is a larger but lesser known nebula known as Lambda Orionis. The Rosette Nebula is visible, though: it is the red and white nebula on the upper left. The bright orange star just above the frame center is Betelgeuse, while the bright blue star on the lower right is Rigel. Other famous nebulas visible include the Witch Head Nebula, the Flame Nebula, the Fox Fur Nebula, and, if you know just where to look, the comparatively small Horsehead Nebula. About thosefamous three stars that cross the belt of Orion the Hunter -- in this busy frame they can be hard to locate, but a discerning eye will find them just below and to the right of the image center.

Playing For Change - "Celebration" - Music - Around the World

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A isto, respondemos com isto

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Dire Straits - 'Brothers in arms"

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'Brothers in arms"

Cock Robin - "When your heart is week" - Video - Music

"When your heart is week"

Billy Joel - "Honesty" -Music Video -

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Now, it's time to say goodbye. Ciao, Ciao, Ciao

Eyeful Magazine: Pinup in Red Reproduction artistiques


Bruce Springsteen - "Because the night" - Video - Music - Live

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"Because the night"

Texte - Les français, comme les grenouilles; beaucoup de gueule...

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"La Marseillaise"
Au secours; c'est un appel deséspéré que je lance; c'est que je n'en peux plus. La "Marseillaise" plusieurs fois par jour va finir par me rendre dingue! (Oui, plus encore). Sauvez-moi, faites que ces abrutis de français  ferment la boîte et décident de réfléchir à cette phrase enrichissante venue de la lointaine Angleterre, "vous êtes comme les grenouilles, beaucoup de gueule mais pas de couilles"! 

Bordeaux, 22-11-2015

TEXTO - "Lino" - Roberto Carlos - "Amigo"


Como não associar o Adelino Pereira a Roberto Carlos... Tantas são as recordações felizes de tardes, noite adentro até à aurora quando ja nada bolia no nosso mundo imediato... Ganhavamos sempre por desistência ou por falta de resistência 

Ela não nos faltava! E o Lino cantava Roberto e iamos bebendo uns copos!

Bastava uma anedota parva para que a risada fosse imediata e unânime (entre nos, claro, porque para outros, o sono era imprescindivel!). E aurora chegando ainda tinhamos faculdade de rir, como dois parvonias,  com  anedotas cretinas, simples que so a gente compreendia...

Ressonava-se ao lado... As mulheres ja não podiam mais...E repentinamente, levanta-se o Lino: "Vamos beber um copo"!!! Vamos la, ecoei!

Bordeaux, 22-11-2015

Fotos - Marseille - "Le Vieux Port" - 22-11-2015

"Le vieux port"

Marseille, 22-11-2015

Fotos do passado - Paris - 26 de agosto de 1944

El París de Capa

Robert Capa, uno de los fundadores de la agencia Magmun, tomó esta instantánea en París el 26 de agosto de 1944, un día después de la liberación de París. La imagen es una de las incluidas en el libro 'París Magnum', editado por La Fábrica.

Las razas de perros mas raras en el mundo - 1) Lundehund noruego

1) Lundehund noruego
Es físicamente diferente a cualquier otro: ¡tiene seis dedos en cada pata! La raza fue creada alrededor del siglo XV para la caza del frailecillo, un pájaro típico de Noruega. El sexto dedo fue añadido para aumentar su agarre a las rocas y evitar que se cayera. Otra particularidad está en la unión de sus huesos. Son capaces de girar la cabeza hacia atrás sobre la columna vertebral y de estirar las patas hasta quedar en 90 grados, como los brazos de los humanos.

Astronomy picture of the day - 22-11-2015 - Phobos: Doomed Moon of Mars

2015 November 22
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Phobos: Doomed Moon of Mars 
Image Credit: HiRISEMROLPL (U. Arizona)NASA
Explanation: This moon is doomed. Mars, the red planet named for the Roman god of war, has two tiny moons, Phobos and Deimos, whose names are derived from the Greek for Fear and Panic. These martian moons may well be captured asteroids originating in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter or perhaps from even more distant reaches of the Solar System. The larger moon, Phobos, is indeed seen to be a cratered, asteroid-like object in thisstunning color image from the robotic Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, recorded at a resolution of about seven meters per pixel. But Phobos orbits so close to Mars - about 5,800 kilometers above the surface compared to 400,000 kilometers for our Moon - that gravitational tidal forces are dragging it down. A recent analysis of the long grooves indicates that they may result from global stretching caused by tides -- the differing force of Mars' gravity on different sides of Phobos. These grooves may then be an early phase in the disintegration of Phobos into a ring of debris around Mars.


Fotos - "Barreiro dormitando" - 18-07-2011

"Barreiro dormitando"


Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 November 21 - Recycling NGC 5291

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Recycling NGC 5291 
Image Credit & CopyrightCHART32 TeamProcessing - Johannes Schedler
Explanation: Following an ancient galaxy-galaxy collision 200 million light-years from Earth, debris from a gas-rich galaxy, NGC 5291, was flung far into intergalactic space. NGC 5291 and the likely interloper, also known as the "Seashell" galaxy, are captured near the center of this spectacular scene. The sharp, ground-based telescopic image looks toward the galaxy cluster Abell 3574 in the southern constellation Centaurus. Stretched along the 100,000 light-year long tidal tails, are clumps resembling dwarf galaxies, but lacking old stars, apparently dominated by young stars and active star forming regions. Found to be unusually rich in elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, the dwarf galaxies were likely born in intergalactic space, recycling the enriched debris from NGC 5291 itself.

Pintura - Thor Vickstrom - "Lumière du Nord"

Lumiere du nord, Art Students League. Grande Peinture a l'huile sur toile, Impressionniste
"Lumière du Nord"

Now, it's time to say goodbye.Ciao!

Ciao, ciao, ciao...

Fotos - "Barreiro do passado" (Portugal)

"Barreiro do passado"


Astronomy picture of the day - 2015 November 20 - Leonids and Friends

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Leonids and Friends 
Image Credit & Copyright: Malcolm Park (North York Astronomical Association)
Explanation: Leonid meteors rained down on planet Earth this week, the annual shower of dusty debris from the orbit of Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle. Leonids streak through this composite night skyview from a backyard observatory in southern Ontario. Recorded with camera fixed to a tripod, the individual frames capture the bright meteor activity throughout the night of November 16/17, about a day before the shower's very modest peak. The frames are registered to the fixed field of view, so the meteor trails are not all aligned to the background star field recorded that evening when Orion stood above the southern horizon. As a result, the trails don't appear to point back to the shower's radiant in Leo, situated off the left edge of the star field frame. In fact, some trails could be of Taurid meteors, a shower also active in November, or even sporadic meteors, including a bright fireball with its reflection near the horizon.

Now, it's time to say goodbye - Ciao, ciao, ciao...

Pin-Up Girl: Beach Chair Impression giclée

Sting and Jo Lawrie - "Pratical arrangement" Video - Music - Live

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "imagens de Sting and Jo Lawry"
"Pratical arrangement"

Queen - "The show must go on" - Video - Music

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "imagens da banda The Queen"
"The show must go on"


Bee Gees - "I started a joke" - Video - Music - Live

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"I started a joke"

Fotos - "Barreiro antigo" - Portugal - 28-09-2014

"Barreiro antigo"

Barreiro, 28-09-2014

Texto - Tive um pesadelo - 19-11-2015

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Estava a dormir lindamente quando repentinamente, de forma muito esquisita, ouvi ruídos quase imperceptíveis à minha porta…

Tentava levantar-me mas, os membros, estranhamente inertes, não correspondiam…

E subitamente o meu cérbero foi invadido por um zumbido agudo, atroz, pavoroso…

O sonho bonito transformou-se em pesadelo indescritível; o meu corpo, em levitação, há muito tinha deixado o leito e na minha mente sentimentos atropelavam-se, chocavam-se, batiam contra o crânio…

A explosão seria para dentro de alguns instantes!

Mas do meu ser amorfo, a mente continuava a produzir imagens e pensamentos; e tentava analisar a questão: porque será?

Problemas psíquicos do parceiro?  Não seria de estranhar tendo em conta que viveu muito tempo em estabelecimentos hospitalares especializados…

Ou teria a ver com os mesmos problemas agudizados pela tremenda situação ignóbil, cobarde, horrorosa, dos atentados perpetrados em Paris por analfabetas, delinquentes convertidos em islamistas radicais?

Mas, por fim, o cérebro diagnosticou: “Tu e eu continuaremos a seguir o nosso caminho; sei que gostas da França, e, “komamim”, adoras Portugal; só ficaremos bem quando o individuo que “ocupa” o lugar de Presidente, o Cavacuo,  regresse à sua terra de Boliqueime; depois teremos outro combate pela frente: libertar o Algarve.

Ta meu?

Bordeaux, 19-11-2015
