

Euro 2016 - Polonia/Portugal - Hino e bandeira nacionais

superbandera2-portugal_hw.gif (142541 bytes)


Imagens do Mundo - Sitios lindos de Portugal - Monsanto

Monsanto é unico. As suas casas surgem entre enormes penhascos. Foi designada pelo ditador Salazar de "aldeia mais portuguesa"... O seu castelo domina toda a região.

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 30 - The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness

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The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness 
Image Credit & LicenseF. Falchi et al.Light Pollution AtlasISTIL
Explanation: How far are you from a naturally dark night sky? In increasing steps, this world map (medium | large) shows the effect of artificial night sky brightness on the visual appearance of the night sky. The brightness was modeled using high resolution satellite data and fit to thousands of night sky brightness measurements in recent work. Color-coded levels are compared to the natural sky brightness level for your location. For example, artificial sky brightness levels in yellow alter the natural appearance of the night sky. In red they hide the Milky Way in an artificial luminous fog. The results indicate that the historically common appearance of our galaxy at night is now lost for more than one-third of humanity. That includes 60% of Europeans and almost 80% of North Americans, along with inhabitants of other densely populated, light-polluted regions of planet Earth.


Euro 2016. Le Portugal aux anges, la Croatie renvoyée à ses démons

Ambiance des grands jours, ce dimanche 26 juin, pour les journaux portugais, qui tient tout entière dans ce titre du quotidien sportif A Bola :“On ne s’arrêtera qu’à Paris”, pour la finale de l’Euro. “Quaresma a surgi pour débloquer un match de grande souffrance”, écrit encore A Bola, en référence au but inscrit dans les toutes dernières minutes de la prolongation (117e) face à la Croatie par le joueur portugais. Un but qui a évité in extremis à sa sélection une séance de tirs aux buts toujours douloureuse et qui envoie le Portugal en quarts de finale, où il affrontera la Pologne le 30 juin.

Autre quotidien sportif portugais, Record a choisi de mettre en une un énorme “Si, Nous restons !” Quaresma, toujours lui, y hurle sa joie et son soulagement après le but de la délivrance pour son équipe.

Cette photo revient souvent, illustrant à la fois la rage et le triomphe d’un joueur longtemps annoncé comme le prodige du football portugais et qui n’a pas répondu aux attentes. Cela donne “L’heure Q” en couverture du O Jogo, Q de Quaresma, affichant sa joie. Présenté lui aussi comme nouveau prodige portugais, le jeune Renato (Sanches) est le meilleur joueur du match contre la Croatie, précise le journal.

Les quotidiens généralistes ne sont pas en reste. Pour Público, le Portugal “élimine la Croatie au terme d’une partie d’échecs” en référence aux damiers rouges et blancs de l’équipe Croate, mais aussi à l’issue d’un match très tactique. En ces temps de Brexit, le Diario de Noticias a trouvé la formule, qui écrit : “Quaresma évite le Portugexit‘ et emmène l’équipe en quarts de finale”.

Croatie, le rêve brisé d’une génération talentueuse

Côté croate, l’heure est au désenchantement, après cette défaite surprise de l’équipe nationale. “Que le foot peut être cruel !”, titre ainsiJutarnji list, résumant probablement le mieux la fin du match Portugal-Croatie. D’autant “que la sélection croate a dominé le match, sans savoir pourtant concrétiser cette domination.”, constate Vecernji list.

“Le choc et l’incrédulité, les Ardents en pleurs, la Croatie punie dans les prolongations, à la 117e minute”, note amèrement Sportske novosti, alors que Telegram parle “du rêve brisé d’une génération qui n’a été jamais aussi bonne et aussi forte”. Après sa formidable victoire contre l’Espagne en phase de poules, la Croatie était en effet apparue comme l’un des outsiders de cet Euro, avec un tableau relativement dégagé jusqu’à la finale. La déception n’en est que plus grande.

Il n’a pas fallu longtemps pour que la presse croate s’en prenne de nouveau au sélectionneur de l’équipe nationale, Ante Cacic.
“Le sélectionneur portugais a pris un grand risque tactique et gagné contre Cacic”, estime Telegram. “Ante Cacic aurait dû faire entrer Pjaca plus tôt, il a tardé à remplacer les joueurs fatigués”, lui reproche Vecernji list.

Plus critique encore, Index accuse Zdravko Mamic (le faiseur de rois du foot croate, accusé de corruption) et ses hommes (c’est lui qui a imposé Ante Cacic à la tête de la sélection) “d’avoir gâché la génération la plus talentueuse jamais vue dans le foot croate”.

Le réveil est dur dimanche matin en Croatie. “Les défaites, on en connaît, mais on ne sait pas se faire à la réussite”, constate Telegram.

Courrier International - France

GNR - "Cadeira electrica" - Video - Musica

"Cadeira electrica"

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 29 - From Alpha to Omega in Crete

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From Alpha to Omega in Crete 
Image Credit & CopyrightJohannes Schedler (Panther Observatory)
Explanation: This beautiful telephoto composition spans light-years in a natural night skyscape from the island of Crete. Looking south, exposures both track the stars and record a fixed foreground in three merged panels that cover a 10x12 degree wide field of view. The May 15 waxing gibbous moonlight illuminates the church and mountainous terrain. A mere 18 thousand light-years away, huge globular star cluster Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) shining above gives a good visual impression of its appearance in binoculars on that starry night. Active galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) is near the top of the frame, some 11 million light-years distant. Also found toward the expansive southern constellation Centaurus and about the size of our own Milky Way is edge on spiral galaxy NGC 4945. About 13 million light-years distant it's only a little farther along, and just above the horizon at the right.


Italia - Italia-Spagna, sfida per i quarti

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 27 - Anticrepuscular Rays over Colorado (II)

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Anticrepuscular Rays over Colorado (II) 
Image Credit & Copyright: Regina Kelly
Explanation: What's happening over the horizon? Although the scene may appear somehow supernatural, nothing more unusual is occurring than a setting Sun and some well placed clouds. Pictured above are anticrepuscular rays. To understand them, start by picturing common crepuscular rays that are seen any time that sunlight pours though scattered clouds. Now although sunlight indeed travels along straight lines, the projections of these lines onto the spherical sky are great circles. Therefore, the crepuscular rays from a setting (or rising) sun will appear to re-converge on the other side of the sky. At the anti-solar point 180 degrees around from the Sun, they are referred to as anticrepuscular rays. Featured here is a particularly striking display of anticrepuscular rays photographed earlier this month in WestminsterColoradoUSA.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 26 - Jupiter's Clouds from New Horizons

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Jupiter's Clouds from New Horizons 
Image Credit: NASAJohns Hopkins U. APLSWRI
Explanation: The New Horizons spacecraft took some stunning images of Jupiter on its way out to Pluto. Famous for its Great Red Spot, Jupiter is also known for its regular, equatorial cloud bands, visible through even modest sized telescopes. The featured image, horizontally compressed, was taken in 2007 near Jupiter's terminator and shows the Jovian giant's wide diversity of cloud patterns. On the far left are clouds closest to Jupiter's South Pole. Here turbulentwhirlpools and swirls are seen in a dark region, dubbed a belt, that rings the planet. Even light colored regions, called zones, show tremendous structure, complete with complex wave patterns. The energy that drives these waves surely comes from below. New Horizons is the fastest space probe ever launched, has successfully complete its main flyby of Pluto in 2015, and is now heading further out and on track to flyby Kuiper belt object 2014 MU69 in 2019. In the near term, many space enthusiasts excitedly await Juno's arrival at Jupiter next Monday.

Roberto Carlos - "Oração pela familia" - Video - Musica - Ao vivo

"Oração pela familia"


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 24 - Sagittarius Sunflowers

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Sagittarius Sunflowers 
Image Credit & CopyrightAndrew Campbell
Explanation: These three bright nebulae are often featured in telescopic tours of the constellation Sagittarius and the crowded starfields of the central Milky Way. In fact, 18th century cosmic tourist Charles Messier cataloged two of them; M8, the large nebula left of center, and colorful M20 near the bottom of the frame The third, NGC 6559, is right of M8, separated from the larger nebula by dark dust lanes. All three are stellar nurseries about five thousand light-years or so distant. The expansive M8, over a hundred light-years across, is also known as the Lagoon Nebula. M20's popular moniker is the Trifid. In the composite image, narrowband data records ionized hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur atoms radiating at visible wavelengths. The mapping of colors and range of brightness used to compose this cosmic still life were inspired by Van Gogh's famous Sunflowers. Just right of the Trifid one of Messier's open star clusters, M21, is also included on the telescopic canvas.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 24 - Sagittarius Sunflowers

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Sagittarius Sunflowers 
Image Credit & CopyrightAndrew Campbell
Explanation: These three bright nebulae are often featured in telescopic tours of the constellation Sagittarius and the crowded starfields of the central Milky Way. In fact, 18th century cosmic tourist Charles Messier cataloged two of them; M8, the large nebula left of center, and colorful M20 near the bottom of the frame The third, NGC 6559, is right of M8, separated from the larger nebula by dark dust lanes. All three are stellar nurseries about five thousand light-years or so distant. The expansive M8, over a hundred light-years across, is also known as the Lagoon Nebula. M20's popular moniker is the Trifid. In the composite image, narrowband data records ionized hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur atoms radiating at visible wavelengths. The mapping of colors and range of brightness used to compose this cosmic still life were inspired by Van Gogh's famous Sunflowers. Just right of the Trifid one of Messier's open star clusters, M21, is also included on the telescopic canvas.


"Cristiano Ronaldo cometeu um crime"

Cristiano Ronaldo Caricature:
O presidente da Comissão da Carteira Profissional de Jornalista, Henrique Pires Teixeira, afirmou que Cristiano Ronaldo cometeu um crime à liberdade de informação quando atirou, esta quarta-feira, um microfone da CMTV para um lago de Lyon. "Está em causa um crime de atentado à liberdade de informação. O jornalista da CMTV estava a trabalhar e a cumprir a sua função. Só resta saber se Ronaldo agiu com intenção de o impedir de informar ou se havia alguma picardia anterior entre ambos. Trata-se de um crime público e o Ministério Público terá de investigar", afirmou, em declarações ao Expresso. Luís Filipe Simões, jornalista do diário A Bola e que faz parte da direção do Sindicato de Jornalistas, condenou a atitude do capitão da seleção das quinas. "É um comportamento não adequado, muito menos por parte do capitão da seleção nacional. O que torna ainda mais grave é ter sido um ato agressivo levado a cabo pelo capitão. Mesmo que não se pudessem colocar questões, não devia responder com agressividade. A atitude não constitui uma violação, mas sim um atropelo à liberdade de imprensa e um crime de dano, caso o microfone tenha ficado danificado", salientou. 

Correio da Manhã - Portugal

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 23 - Solstice Dawn and Full Moonset

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Solstice Dawn and Full Moonset 
Image Credit & CopyrightLaurie Hatch
Explanation: A Full Moon sets as the Solstice Sun rises in this June 20 dawn skyscape. Captured from a nearby peak in central California, planet Earth, the scene looks across the summit of Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatorydomes on a calendar date that marks an astronomical change of seasons and hemispherical extremes of daylight hours. Earth's shadow stretches toward the Santa Cruz Mountains on the western horizon. Just above the atmospheric grey shadowband is a more colorful anti-twilight arch, a band of reddened, backscattered sunlight also known as the Belt of Venus. The interplay of solstice dates and lunar months does make this solstice and Full Moon a rare match-up. The next June solstice and Full Moon will fall on the same calendar date on June 21, 2062.


Texto - Euro 2016 - Portugal qualificado para os oitavos.

Caricatura de Cristiano Ronaldo
Assistimos ao jogo Hungria-Portugal, com um resultado de 3-3.

Sou Português há 65 anos mas, sinceramente, vi um Portugal feito de individualidades medíocres a jogar contra uma equipa de Hungria sem génio mas que respeita o jogo e que, acima de tudo, joga de forma colectiva.

Do lado da equipa portuguesa a que assistimos? Um “patchwork” de jogadores medianos: Pepe (O caceteiro), R. Carvalho (O velho), Eliseu (invisível), João Mário (existe?), Moutinho (Um anão aldabrão), Nani (a dever dinheiro à reforma),  Vieirinha (inexperiente), André Gomes (quem é?)…e aos costumes mais não digo.

A não ser um seleccionador  teimoso e burro que, com a sua idade, já devia ter direito à reforma minima!

Deixo para o fim o “famoso” CR7…Ninguém duvida que, tecnicamente, é um excelente jogador (melhor do mundo, dizem…).

Mas como “capitão” e jogador da Selecção é um elemento de menor-valia. Ele canibaliza todo o jogo colectivo; e o seu egocentrismo obriga os companheiros a jogarem “só” para ele, fazendo de Portugal uma equipa que não consegue bater islandeses, austríacos, nem húngaros…

Nos valha a Nossa Senhora de Fátima e o Fado, porque no Futebol temos muito que aprender!

Se não chegar, apelemos também à N. Senhora de São Cricalho como dizia uma amiga minha.

Quanto a mim, terminarei este breve comentario com um f#d@-sse bem sentido!



Imagens do Mundo - Sitios lindos de Portugal - Lajes do Pico (Açores)

Na Ilha dos Açores, Lages do Pico é uma pequena povoação que sempre viveu da caça à a baleia. Hoje em dia, o Pico mantem a tradição maritima dos seus habitantes-pescadores mas deixou de capturar os magnificos animais. Os barcos foram adaptados porque a sanguinaria necessidade foi transformada em safari fotografico de contemplação dos majestosos e belos cetaceos.

Legenda: JoanMira

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 22 - Cirrus over Paris

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Cirrus over Paris 
Image Credit & Copyright: Bertrand Kulik
Explanation: What's that over Paris? Cirrus. Typically, cirrus clouds appear white or gray when reflecting sunlight, can appear dark at sunset (or sunrise) against a better lit sky. Cirrus are among the highest types of clouds and are usually thin enough to see stars through. Cirrus clouds may form from moisture released above storm clouds and so may herald the arrival of a significant change in weather. Conversely, cirrus clouds have also been seen on Mars,JupiterSaturnTitanUranus, and Neptune. The featured image was taken two days ago from a window in District 15ParisFranceEarth. The brightly lit object on the lower right is, of course, the Eiffel Tower.


Imagens do Mundo - Sitios lindos de Portugal - Marvão

A sua muralha do século XIII protege as casinhas brancas . A quase 900 m de altitude, esta vila medieval vigia a Espanha.

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 21 - NGC 6814: Grand Design Spiral Galaxy from Hubble

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NGC 6814: Grand Design Spiral Galaxy from Hubble 
Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASAAcknowledgement: Judy Schmidt (Geckzilla)
Explanation: In the center of this serene stellar swirl is likely a harrowing black-hole beast. The surrounding swirl sweeps around billions of stars which are highlighted by the brightest and bluest. The breadth and beauty of the display give the swirl the designation of a grand design spiral galaxy. The central beast shows evidence that it is a supermassive black hole about 10 million times the mass of our Sun. This ferocious creature devours stars and gas and is surrounded by a spinning moat of hot plasma that emits blasts of X-rays. The central violent activity gives it the designation of a Seyfert galaxy. Together, this beauty and beast are cataloged as NGC 6814 and have been appearing together toward the constellation of the Eagle (Aquila) for roughly the past billion years.

Antonio Vivaldi - "Summer" - Slides - Music

Afficher l'image d'origine


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 20 - Sputnik Planum vs. Krun Macula

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Sputnik Planum vs. Krun Macula 
Image Credit: NASAJohns Hopkins Univ./APLSouthwest Research Institute
Explanation: Pluto's pitted plains meet rugged highlands in this stunning view. On the left lies a southeastern extent of the bright region still informally known as Sputnik Planum. At right the edge of a dark region, informally Krun Macula, rises some 2.5 kilometers above the icy plains. Along the boundary, connected clusters of large pits form deep valleys, some over 40 kilometers long with shadowy floors. Nitrogen ice is likely responsible for the more reflective plains. The dark red color of the highlands is thought to be from complex compounds called tholins, a product of ultraviolet light induced chemical reactions with methane in Pluto's atmosphere. The enhanced color image includes portions of the highest and second highest resolution image data from the New Horizons July 2015 flyby of the distant world.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 19 -

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2016 June 19 
Galaxy and Planets Beyond Bristlecone Pines 
Image Credit & Copyright: Brad Goldpaint (Goldpaint Photography)
Explanation: What's older than these ancient trees? Nobody you know -- but almost everything in the background of this picture. The trees are impressively old -- each part of the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest located in easternCaliforniaUSA. There, many of the oldest trees known are located, some dating as far back as about 5,000 years. Seemingly attached to tree branches, but actually much farther in the distance, are the bright orbs of Saturn (left) andMars. These planets formed along with the Earth and the early Solar System much earlier -- about 4.5 billion years ago. Swooping down diagonally from the upper left is the oldest structure pictured: the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy -- dating back around 9 billion years. The featured image was built from several exposures all taken from the same location -- but only a few weeks ago.


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 16 - Northern Lights above Lofoten

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Northern Lights above Lofoten 
Image Credit & CopyrightAlex Conu
Explanation: The Aurora Borealis or northern lights are familiar visitors to night skies above the village of Reine in the Lofoten Islands, Norway, planet Earth. In this scene, captured from a mountaintop camp site, the auroral curtains do seem to create an eerie tension with the coastal lights though. A modern perspective on the world at night, the stunning image was chosen as the over all winner in The World at Night's 2016 International Earth and Sky Photo Contest. Selections were made from over 900 entries highlighting the beauty of the night sky and its battle with light pollution.


Imagens do Mundo - Sitios lindos de Portugal - Almeida

A fortaleza de Almeida existe desde 1296. Em forma de estrela, Almeida esta associada ao engenheiro militar do rei Louis XIV, Vauban e a D. Diniz


Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 15 - APOD Placeholder

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APOD Placeholder 
Illustration Credit: APOD's Placeholder Team
Explanation: A new and exciting APOD will appear here today at 1:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time (USA) after the LIGO press conference at the 228th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in San Diego, CA has begun. We at APOD (again) appreciate your patience in this matter.

Texto - As minhas ultimas vontades

Quando o tempo me permita falar sem saudade, daqui a milhentos anos (ou mais), direi então a verdade que me vai no coração.

Sempre defendi a justiça, assim penso, porventura em detrimento da minha liberdade.

Tentei construir laços estreitos entre os seres que me são caros mas, pelo visto, não obtive sucesso.

Então digo a todos os que me apreciam, família, amigos e outros aparecidos ao acaso de todo ou qualquer encontro pelo mundo afora, que tive muito prazer de com eles conviver.

Isto não é um testamento. Mas se por acaso um dia morrer (hipótese improvável...!) saibam que não quero cerimonias religiosas (cristãs, muçulmanas ou outras…), que também não quero festejos nem cremação.

Sepultem-me simplesmente junto aos meus pais ou avos.


Bordeaux, 14 de Junho de 2016 



Texto - Violência arabe e/ou muçulmana

A diferença existente entre um blogue e a imprensa é que os "media" "trabalham" a informação para mais vender... O sensacionalismo é imprescindivel pertença ele ao campo dos assassinos ou das vitimas...

"Vender" precisa-se; chôro de lagrimas de crocodilo impoêm-se; o comercio não se pode render ao luto.

Neste mundo louco e mercantil, o que importa é parecer; ser é dado a poucos seres dos quais (modéstia à parte) me reclamo.

E ai esta a diferença: eles escrevem para vender e eu comunico a minha revolta.

Digo as minhas "verdades" sem toda e qualquer limitação.

Vem isto a proposito do cobarde atentado que tirou a vida a um policia e sua companheira e tornou orfã uma criança de três anos...

Constatando e concluindo, segunda à noite, em França, um ser imundo, destruiu uma familia e abalou para o resto da vida um inocente.

A diferença entre o blogue e a imprensa é que dizemos: o assassino era arabe e muçulmano.

Uma vez mais...

Bordeaux, le 14 juin 2016

Imagens do Mundo - Sitios lindos de Portugal - Piódão

Na serra de Açor, no centro do pais, a aldeia "agarra-se" às ladeiras do monte. Nem as cabras a ela têm acesso facil. Piodão é uma aldeia historica de Portugal (

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 14 - The North America and Pelican Nebulas

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The North America and Pelican Nebulas 
Image Credit & Copyright: Ezequiel Etcheverry
Explanation: Here lie familiar shapes in unfamiliar locations. On the left is an emission nebula cataloged as NGC 7000, famous partly because it resembles our fair planet's continent of North America. The emission region to the right of the North America Nebula is IC 5070, also known for its suggestive outlines as the Pelican Nebula. Separated by a dark cloud of obscuring dust, the two bright nebulae are about 1,500 light-years away. At that distance, the 4 degree wide field of view spans 100 light-years. This spectacular cosmic portrait combines narrow band images to highlight bright ionization fronts with fine details of dark, dusty forms in silhouette. Emission from atomic hydrogensulfur, andoxygen is captured in the narrow band image in scientifically assigned colorsThese nebulae can be seen with binoculars from a dark location.


Euro de futebol - Porrada e mais porrada!

Não fugindo à tradição, o Euro de futebol começou com muita "porrada" entre "apoiantes" das selecções. Os confrontos inevitaveis tiveram desta vez como protagonistas ingleses e russos.

Ja estou a ver as reacções: ingleses sempre no barulho! So que desta vez parece terem sido os russos os principais responsaveis do inicio das hostilidades...

São uns ou são outros mas a qualquer nacionalidade que pertençam, são sem duvida cretinos raros. Não gostam de desporto e muito menos de futebol.

Tudo o que os move, no ocio desastrado, é a destruição gratuita...

O corrupto comité executivo da UEFA admitiu, a possibilidade de excluir as seleções da Rússia e da Inglaterra do Europeu de futebol de 2016, caso se verifiquem novos incidentes entre adeptos dos dois países.

E riem os pseudo-adeptos...Vai falando...

O Euro é lindo!

PS: gostei do jogo da Inglaterra.


Imagens do Mundo - Sitios lindos de Portugal - Monsaraz

Nas ruas respira-se uma atmosfera medieval; As casinhas brancas e o castelo estão virados para Espanha para prevenir uma sempre possivel invasão de "nuestros hermanos"... O Guadiana e a fronteira estão bem perto. Um lugar tranquilo, bonito e limpo: Monsaraz.

Fotos - "O Convento do Carmo" - Braga (Portugal) - 04-09-2014

"O Convento do Carmo"

Braga, 04-09-2014

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 13 - Unexplained Dimmings in KIC 8462852

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Unexplained Dimmings in KIC 8462852 
Illustration Credit: NASAJPL-Caltech
Explanation: Why does star KIC 8462852 keep wavering? Nobody knows. A star somewhat similar to our Sun, KIC 8462852 was one of many distant stars being monitored by NASA's robotic Kepler satellite to see if it had planets. Citizen scientists voluntarily co-inspecting the data along with computers found this unusual case where a star's brightness dropped at unexpected times by as much as 20 percent for as long as months -- but then recovered. Common reasons for dimming -- such as eclipses by orbiting planets or stellar companions -- don't match the non-repetitive nature of the dimmings. A currently debated theory is dimming by a cloud of comets or the remnants of a shattered planet, but these would not explain data indicating that the star itself has become slightly dimmer over the past 125 years. Nevertheless, featured here is an artist's illustration of a planet breaking up, drawn to depict NGC 2547-ID8, a different system that shows infrared evidence of such a collision. Recent observations of KIC 8462852 did not detect the infrared glow of a closely orbiting dust disk, but gave a hint that the system might have such a disk farther out. Future observations are encouraged and creative origin speculations are sure to continue.


Imagens do Mundo - Sitios lindos de Portugal - Sintra

Uma nuvem, um palacio, jardins, museus... até chegar ao castelo dos Mouros... e ao Palacio da minha Pena...Sintra...

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 12 - A Roll Cloud Over Uruguay

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A Roll Cloud Over Uruguay 
Credit & LicenceDaniela Mirner Eberl
Explanation: What kind of cloud is this? A type of arcus cloud called a roll cloud. These rare long clouds may form near advancing cold fronts. In particular, a downdraft from an advancing storm front can cause moist warm air to rise, cool below its dew point, and so form a cloud. When this happens uniformly along an extended front, a roll cloud may form. Roll clouds may actually have air circulating along the long horizontal axis of the cloud. A roll cloud is not thought to be able to morph into a tornado. Unlike a similar shelf cloud, a roll cloud is completely detached from their parent cumulonimbus cloud. Pictured above, a roll cloud extends far into the distance in 2009 January above Las Olas Beach in MaldonadoUruguay.


Imagens do Mundo - Sitios lindos de Portugal - Castelo de Vide

Situada no  Alto Alentejo, esta villa com cerca de 3800 habitantes destaca-se pelos seus restaurantes, pastelarias com deliciosos pasteis de nata. Nas suas ruas misturam-se os estilos barroco, gotico e manuelino.

Astronomy picture of the day - 2016 June 11 - The Fornax Cluster of Galaxies

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The Fornax Cluster of Galaxies 
Image Credit: European Southern Observatory
Acknowledgment: Aniello Grado and Luca Limatola
Explanation: Named for the southern constellation toward which most of its galaxies can be found, the Fornax Cluster is one of the closest clusters of galaxies. About 62 million light-years away, it is almost 20 times more distant than our neighboring Andromeda Galaxy, and only about 10 percent further than the better known and more populated Virgo Galaxy Cluster. Seen across this two degree wide field-of-view, almost every yellowish splotch on the image is an elliptical galaxy in the Fornax cluster. A standout barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365 is visible on the lower right as a prominent Fornax cluster member. The spectacular image was taken by the VLT Survey Telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory.


Ja "começou" o Euro 2016 com confrontos entre ingleses e franceses!

Cerca de 250 adeptos ingleses envolveram-se em confrontos com a polícia na zona do Porto Velho de Marselha, com a polícia a ser obrigada a usar gás lacrimogéneo, detendo um inglês de 24 anos. Também se verificaram incidentes com um grupo de jovens franceses, com um inglês a ter de ser transportado a um hospital por ter sido ferido sem gravidade. No sábado, a Inglaterra vai defrontar a Rússia, na primeira jornada do grupo B do Euro2016, que se inicia hoje com o França-Roménia, em Paris. O encontro, considerado de "alto risco", vai envolver cerca de 1800 polícias, distribuídos pelo interior e exterior do estádio.

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Fotos - Passeando por Trinidad (Cuba) - 02-11-2010


Cuba, 02-11-2010